R UZz all 'FOR REAL'. I thought it was normal to finsh the syallabus by term two, coz trials start a mere 2,3 weeks into term 3. Like weve finshed chemistry, 3u and 4u maths. Though English Adv has a bit to go (but thats not a prob for me as im doin it for a second time).
Though maybe we had extra hours for each sub (due to acceleration last yr). We had 10 hrs of 3u a week (hence i hardly did any 3u at home), 5hrs of 4u a week (much more work done independently at home) , 9 hrs of chem a week and only 3 for eng (coz we were doin it again). But regardless, i think the course should be finshed by term two or else theres not much time for revison for the trialz.
Anyhow..how'd everyone find 4u. Personally, when i started it was like an 'IMPOSSIBLE' thing (i wouldnt even have done it if our principal hadnt insited), but now having finished the course, i feel that it isnt that hard at all. I reckon getting ACTUAL marks of 70-80% wouldnt be asking too much. Last yr's paper was pretty easy.
Btw, i agree with fatmusle...doin integration as second last topic isnt too good, i reckon the best format is to forllow the syallabus (as in Cambrigde), which i think is the best book for 4u, though at school we did fitzpatrick.