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Not attracted to your race (3 Viewers)


New Member
Jun 28, 2004

I assure you that i am not racist....that amigos is the belief that one race is superior to another. Racist...not at all. I say again that my mate ben is taiwanese and if i was racist id think i were better than him, but in fact i do concede that he is far more intelligent than i. And not that i have a problem with any people in the general public who are of another culture, infact i value greatly the multiculturalism of 21st century australia. And it is my belief that interracial breeding would have an adverse effect upon that cultural diversity and identity if those different cultures were to assimilate and meld into a single indistinguishable populace.
That is why i am against it personally, but at school and at work i have no problem with any people as long as they do not enforce any belief upon myself or my family. And sadly it is the fundamentalist minorities (KKK that is christian or any group) that do give the religious tradition in its entirety a bad name, and again it is this fundamentalist minority that are the most active, and it is the fundamentalist minority whos evil far outweigh the undoubted good that the mainstream religions do for society. i do believe that at the roots of any religion lies the basis and greater good of the human spirit, a compassion and concern for one's fellow man and a search for meaning. But again i must enforce that with the world in its present state....bali and world trade centers.....the world has lost many good people and the evil of the groups is growing and their size is growing...one can only look to the media to see the ever growing presence of islamic groups in the south east asia pacific region. It is now that we need honest and strong people in positions of power, the police, the military, and even the realm of politics ( of which we do not frequently associate with honesty). fUNNY as it may seem to you i have been recommended for 2005 entry to ADFA for the RAAF. If i dont go to brizzi than ill go to canberra instead, and we must take a stand against terrorism and act to eliminate it. The only way of doing this is by identification and isolation of the responsible groups, and subsequent elimination, complete annihilation of those responsible. And if it requires the mere invasion of SOME people rights according to the constitution it would be for the benefit of the greater population. i must remind you that although many people do not participate in terrorism they may support it. It is the roots of such religions as Islam that when clashed with others brings about such evil. No peace will come without victory. And it must be us that win. So lets take any measure neccesary to ensure the freedom of Australia. And i hypothesize that unless the groups are destroyed or untill religion is destroyed ( im not atheist im christian) terror will continue.
I think that not only for identification of the groups responsible for terror but for the continuation of the cultural benefits brought about by immigration and multiculturalism it would be in the best interests of australia to stray from interracial breeding.....but eh its up to you lot to decide what you want, not for me to tell you. Thats the beauty of democracy and i would fight to have that preserved, if necessary i would die so that you mob can still enjoy that democracy and freedom. And i have travelled all over Australia my good friend Atotoi or whoever the fuk you are. And callin me a biggot, who ever did only consolidates that it is you who are incapable of accepting and respecting the views of others.
So get fukd ya mob o poofs. and thanks to tatood bloke who supports me.


Feb 17, 2004
Where ever YOU want me to be .........BABE
FESTAR said:
I assure you that i am not racist....that amigos is the belief that one race is superior to another. Racist...not at all. I say again that my mate ben is taiwanese and if i was racist id think i were better than him, but in fact i do concede that he is far more intelligent than i. And not that i have a problem with any people in the general public who are of another culture, infact i value greatly the multiculturalism of 21st century australia. And it is my belief that interracial breeding would have an adverse effect upon that cultural diversity and identity if those different cultures were to assimilate and meld into a single indistinguishable populace.
That is why i am against it personally, but at school and at work i have no problem with any people as long as they do not enforce any belief upon myself or my family. And sadly it is the fundamentalist minorities (KKK that is christian or any group) that do give the religious tradition in its entirety a bad name, and again it is this fundamentalist minority that are the most active, and it is the fundamentalist minority whos evil far outweigh the undoubted good that the mainstream religions do for society. i do believe that at the roots of any religion lies the basis and greater good of the human spirit, a compassion and concern for one's fellow man and a search for meaning. But again i must enforce that with the world in its present state....bali and world trade centers.....the world has lost many good people and the evil of the groups is growing and their size is growing...one can only look to the media to see the ever growing presence of islamic groups in the south east asia pacific region. It is now that we need honest and strong people in positions of power, the police, the military, and even the realm of politics ( of which we do not frequently associate with honesty). fUNNY as it may seem to you i have been recommended for 2005 entry to ADFA for the RAAF. If i dont go to brizzi than ill go to canberra instead, and we must take a stand against terrorism and act to eliminate it. The only way of doing this is by identification and isolation of the responsible groups, and subsequent elimination, complete annihilation of those responsible. And if it requires the mere invasion of SOME people rights according to the constitution it would be for the benefit of the greater population. i must remind you that although many people do not participate in terrorism they may support it. It is the roots of such religions as Islam that when clashed with others brings about such evil. No peace will come without victory. And it must be us that win. So lets take any measure neccesary to ensure the freedom of Australia. And i hypothesize that unless the groups are destroyed or untill religion is destroyed ( im not atheist im christian) terror will continue.
I think that not only for identification of the groups responsible for terror but for the continuation of the cultural benefits brought about by immigration and multiculturalism it would be in the best interests of australia to stray from interracial breeding.....but eh its up to you lot to decide what you want, not for me to tell you. Thats the beauty of democracy and i would fight to have that preserved, if necessary i would die so that you mob can still enjoy that democracy and freedom. And i have travelled all over Australia my good friend Atotoi or whoever the fuk you are. And callin me a biggot, who ever did only consolidates that it is you who are incapable of accepting and respecting the views of others.
So get fukd ya mob o poofs. and thanks to tatood bloke who supports me.
Anyone for a summary, there better not be anything in there about asian ppl !

PS: Is this the L&R section or did i accidently step into the English forum !


Beetroot Strudel Anyone??
Mar 29, 2004
Crazy Go Nuts University
FESTAR said:
i must enforce that with the world in its present state....bali and world trade centers.....the world has lost many good people and the evil of the groups is growing and their size is growing...one can only look to the media to see the ever growing presence of islamic groups in the south east asia pacific region. It is now that we need honest and strong people in positions of power, the police, the military, and even the realm of politics ( of which we do not frequently associate with honesty). fUNNY as it may seem to you i have been recommended for 2005 entry to ADFA for the RAAF. If i dont go to brizzi than ill go to canberra instead, and we must take a stand against terrorism and act to eliminate it. The only way of doing this is by identification and isolation of the responsible groups, and subsequent elimination, complete annihilation of those responsible. And if it requires the mere invasion of SOME people rights according to the constitution it would be for the benefit of the greater population. i must remind you that although many people do not participate in terrorism they may support it. It is the roots of such religions as Islam that when clashed with others brings about such evil. No peace will come without victory. And it must be us that win. So lets take any measure neccesary to ensure the freedom of Australia. And i hypothesize that unless the groups are destroyed or untill religion is destroyed ( im not atheist im christian) terror will continue.
I think that not only for identification of the groups responsible for terror but for the continuation of the cultural benefits brought about by immigration and multiculturalism it would be in the best interests of australia to stray from interracial breeding.....but eh its up to you lot to decide what you want, not for me to tell you. Thats the beauty of democracy and i would fight to have that preserved, if necessary i would die so that you mob can still enjoy that democracy and freedom. And i have travelled all over Australia my good friend Atotoi or whoever the fuk you are. And callin me a biggot, who ever did only consolidates that it is you who are incapable of accepting and respecting the views of others.
So get fukd ya mob o poofs. and thanks to tatood bloke who supports me.
Hahahahahah, mate you're like Pauline Hanson and George Dubya rolled into one ;)

I must admit, i have already wasted precious HSC time by quoting u in my sig and putting your picture in there as well.. but it has been an absolute hoot!

I strongly disagree with your demented views of breeding in Australia.
This isnt biology where we consider the ethics of genetically modified fish and animals.. these are people you are talking about.
You should have been around in the days before Aboriginals & white australians started "mixing", you would have fitted right in and maybe kept the Aboriginal population full blood.

But again, i stress It Is A New Millenium...

Yes, we live in a country of free speech and opinion, however i believe your original (and above comment judging by the profanities directed at homosexuals) comment was with an intentional malice.

And "friend", of course RAAF wanted you, judging from the above, it appears you would have told them everything they wanted to hear.
I undertook interviews and medical tests like you and made it to the latter stages of the ADFA admission tests, however to become a Medical Officer would have required a 10 year commitment, which i didnt think was right for me.

However, this doesnt concern the large majority of you who are here for the forum.. so FESTAR, until November 4, hold those "ideals" in your head and then i'll debate with you all day if you wish.

Of course.. thats if you dont "knock me off the front steps" :)
Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
FESTAR said:
And sadly it is the fundamentalist minorities (KKK that is christian or any group) that do give the religious tradition in its entirety a bad name, and again it is this fundamentalist minority that are the most active, and it is the fundamentalist minority whos evil far outweigh the undoubted good that the mainstream religions do for society.
It's a good thing that you're so clearly against fundamentalists or extremists of any sort.

FESTAR said:
...one can only look to the media to see the ever growing presence of islamic groups in the south east asia pacific region.
Problem? You seem to be forgetting that the fundamentalists, as you earlier said, are the problem, not Islam in general. However, in the event that I was a devout follower of Islam, I could easily see reason in this 'enlightened' mouthing off to take significant offence. You keep shitting on what someone believes, and they're going to bite back, it's not rocket science.

FESTAR said:
The only way of doing this is by identification and isolation of the responsible groups, and subsequent elimination, complete annihilation of those responsible.
Good job mr warlord.

FESTAR said:
It is the roots of such religions as Islam that when clashed with others brings about such evil. No peace will come without victory. And it must be us that win. So lets take any measure neccesary to ensure the freedom of Australia. And i hypothesize that unless the groups are destroyed or untill religion is destroyed ( im not atheist im christian) terror will continue.
'Us' vs Islam? I'm not sure what team you're on buddy, but count me out. You sir, are an ass.

FESTAR said:
I think that not only for identification of the groups responsible for terror but for the continuation of the cultural benefits brought about by immigration and multiculturalism it would be in the best interests of australia to stray from interracial breeding.....
Again, that's a stunningly progressive viewpoint you have there.

If you didn't insist on blurring the distinction between terrorists and followers of religion, then perhaps I could see sense in *some* of what you're saying, but you do, and I can't.


New Member
Jun 28, 2004
Atotoi you a complete poof mate

Atotoi your a complete poof. I must set you straight that i did NOT attend ADFA Officer selection boads for medical officer, rather i attended for Aerospace Weapons Engineering Officer and PIlot, you fukn wanker. I think someone mentioned that i would be unable to cope with the amount of foreign medical staff in Australia hospitals if i entered the medical profession, sadly you have mistaken me for a racist AGAIN ya blind F__K, but i must emphasise that many of the medical professionals that enter Australia from other countries do not have to fulfill the stringent requirements that Australian trained doctors do ya fukn wanker. and if you wasted your time quoting me...do so correctly. No i didn't tell the RAAF what they wanted to here these are the views that iv held since i was a small child and l have felt the urge to artivulate these in recent times, ya fukn poof. Whoever cannot accept these views is a narrow minded biggot, for in a democracy the opinions of all those of the populace are valued and taken into acount, sadly it doesn't seem that you can cope with this aspect of democracy-the foundation of this free and beautiful country.
And all others who have made constructive comments rather than attempting to slander these widely held public opinions, i thank. And if i distorted the divide between the mainstream and fundamentalist aspects of any religion, that is deliberate because today this distortion is becoming more and more prevalent in society.
And atotoi your a fuikn poof mate.


Oct 21, 2004
hang on festar, just pull up ur horse and cart for one second and consider what ur actually saying

FESTAR said:
...one can only look to the media to see the ever growing presence of islamic groups in the south east asia pacific region...
of course there are islamic groups in south east asia, islam is the major religion of almost all south east asian countries... wat point are you trying to make?? you dont even know what u are saying

FESTAR said:
...The only way of doing this is by identification and isolation of the responsible groups, and subsequent elimination, complete annihilation of those responsible. And if it requires the mere invasion of SOME people rights according to the constitution it would be for the benefit of the greater population...
the constitution is the laws of australia you fool... you need to look at this from a global scale, not just the back paddock of your farm

FESTAR said:
...And atotoi your a fuikn poof mate...
atotoi actually knows what he is talking about, which doesnt make him homosexual... you are inept, incompetent and have an inadequate amount of brain cells to make any rational judgements on the subject of multiculturalism and issues of ethnicity... your views are biased, contradictory, and i wouldn't be surprised if your "pledge to australia" post was 'cut and paste'd straight from one of Hitler's or Joseph Goebbels' nazi speeches, with the word 'jew' conveniently replaced by 'islam' to suit your cause...

my advice to you is to sit down and shut up, your only humiliating yourself and wasting everyone's time... ill let you get back to your farmwork now, redneck :)
Dec 26, 2007
Australian_Idol said:
Hey. I've got a couple of friends that have said that they will never date people of their own race because they are not attracted to them. They are both asians and intend to date Caucasians. They don't find asian guys attractive.
That's understandable.


Oct 26, 2007
Best race: Euroasians

Just search 'Leah Dizon' in Google.



New Member
Mar 19, 2007
dsam said:
Best race: Euroasians

Just search 'Leah Dizon' in Google.

She may be unmatched but she definently can be beat.

I've seen many more hideous eurasians than I have attractive though. (Not saying that there aren't some extremely attractive ones.)


Oct 26, 2007
UnleavenedBread said:
I've seen many more hideous eurasians than I have attractive though. (Not saying that there aren't some extremely attractive ones.)
wow youve seen lots of Euroasian girls? I never thought i'd see/meet one but as soon as I moved to Sydney I met a euroasian (indo/european). I cant say that she's incredibly hot but i can say she's beautiful :) I prefer that, than the former.


Not premium
Sep 12, 2004
I know a million hot Euroasians.

And 2 ugly fat ones.

It depends on whether the mother or father is asian, usually asian father produces more attractive children.


Feb 13, 2006
Australian_Idol said:
Yeh, I don't really like fobby accents.
I'm a tall lean and atheltic asian guy 6'2 who can speak 3 languages fluently with no fobby accents because I was born in aus? would that turn you off?
If not, that's more of an accent issue than a background issue. So you discriminate people from similar backgrounds of your own?

Personally, I don't like asian girls who say they will never date an asian guy. They are a huge turn off. They are a perfect example of sluty racist asian girls coz I just don't believe there isn't one asian guy they've seen in real life or from the mass media in their lifetime that they haven't found attractions to.


Tomcat Pilot
Mar 9, 2006
Miramar, CA
Whites > Eurasians > whatevers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>blacks>>>>>>>>>>>>abos


Apr 6, 2009
South Sydney
Im fine with white girls, asian girls around where im from (hurstville) aren't really that appealing. I'm not particularly a big fan of 'black chocolate' as some of my idiot friends call it, i saw A View To A Kill from a young age, May Day scares the crap out of me...


Apr 3, 2009
I used to say I would never find asian guys attractive. but some are okay. And I really think that personality is extremely important. it's not just looks.

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