My results resemble yours hermand, except I failed for the first time in the HSC in 3u maths (ranked 8/14). Even though my term 4 ranking compensates this, I can't become complacent again. I've also had hand tremors for a while, panic attacks and psychological breakdowns which I'm trying to recover from...I hope this makes you guys feel better:
Chemistry - 35/50 - 70% - Don't know rank, but I've completely lost it from my 1st ranking in Preliminary.
English -
Finally edited 18/20 (either 2nd or 3rd), 17/20 (up the top somewhere).
Biology (Assignment) - 42/50 (3rd so far).
Biology Practical - 35/50 - tied 4th.
Physics (Assignment) - 21/25, 20/26 (2nd or 3rd).
Physics Practical - 28/50 (I am no good at practicals

, and I was away on the day they did the striation patterns (worth the other 40%)). FML.
4U Maths - 2/6. I wasn't expecting this... Even though my ranking of 1st is gone, there is still room for improvement.
3U Maths - 8/14 as I mentioned, with a fail 46% mark. Everyone in my class was shocked when I told them. Even some of the top people failed as well, and there was a squeeze in 50s and 60s marks, besides my friend who got 80's%. So there's still hope...
2U Maths - Came 4th. Didn't take it too seriously, and this was my best result percentage wise.
If results haven't been going good for you guys, don't worry about it. There's still a long way to go for improvement...Just don't let it get to you. But now I know that my chances of my UAI aim is completely gone...Ugh
