Hey Guys
I have never been officially trained for self-serve, but lately I have been put in Self-serve to cover people`s breaks and I have been basically training myself. Now today I have been told that, Next Saturday, I will be working 1 til close on self-serve. Is there any Instructions for attendants online? or does anyone have some helpful instructions about self-serve(including how to handle it & how to work the system)? And can anyone explain about how the cash up works? (I`m getting trained a bit more on thurs night)
I`m worried!
I don't believe there is instructions online but your store should have an instruction book/troubleshooting guide that you can follow - ask the supervisor if you cant find it.
ill point out some of the most common problems and good solutions to them for you.
weight errors
- if a customer has 'unexpected item in the bagging area alert' first ask them what the last item they scanned was. take this item out of the area and if the screen clears it means they haven't in fact scanned it, scan it yourself then put it back in.
- if this happens with produce (or a 'checking wait' screen) take the produce out of the bagging area put it back on the scale and check the weight (bottom left) matches the weight that it has gone through as. they might have been leaning on the scale (over weight) or the produce might have been leaning off (under weight). clear the place item in bagging area alert, void the item and put the item through again your self.
-if the machine freezes/has a problem you can't fix/ has a serious problem, push the supervisor button (a little button near the screen) and run a diagnostic report, then reboot the machine.
ok for close:
- when you get the float bags and are ready to close place them out on each register (make sure you put them on the right one!!)
-scan your supervisor card on all machines (to get the blue screen)
-on ONE register go to reporting/print signatures - this will print the signature slips from ALL the machines.
- on another machine go to reporting and select the daily summary report, click run report then when its produced the report 'print report'
- now you can start emptying the money. take the BLUE bag and open the machine. unlock the acceptor access door and empty the metal box of coins into the bag and the note acceptor cassette. pull on the yellow handle and turn it upside down. pinch the two yellow buttons together and open the cassette, take the notes out, close the flap and make sure you put the cassette back in the right way (arrow pointing up and push hard, it it is properly in when a brief whirring noise is made) do this for all the machines.
-once all the store doors are closed you can open the bottom dispensor cupboard. pull the big dispensor thingo out, on the left is a little green lever thingo push that up to release the cassette, pull the cassette out. there is a latch at the front to open the cassette (difficult to describe how to open - im sure you can manage

) empty the notes from all the cassettes ($5/$20/$50) into the RED bag, making sure each cassette clicks back in properly. do this for all machines.
-on the screen select cash/paper status // note management (you need to enter you user id/password manually here) then click acceptor pickup, dispensor pickup, coin management, acceptor pickup. click go back to get back to the supervisor screen. do this for each machine.
- the next step you only need to do if you are NOT trading the following day
- go to eft functions // eft last settlement // yes // no on each machine
-this will print two receipts on each machine, you can then select close machine and.... YOU'RE DONE!!
- make sure that you have the red and blue bag for each machine, the keys, lanyard, eft last settlements, cash management reports, PDA etc..
anyway, the instructions are there in that troubleshooting book i said earlier so just follow that if you get stuck or ask your supervisor...
GOODLUCK- the job is so much more enjoyable if customers are willing to learn, so have a really friendly attitude, and always be positive