you've got the love
Screw that.Just a question on earrings for guys....
I was failed on an SOC for having a single small sleeper in my left ear.
The manager said guys are to wear one in each ear or none at all.
The jewellery policy states "Minimal jewellery eg one small stud or sleeper per ear".
I take that to mean you can have a maximum of one per ear, but said manager swears it means you must have one in both ears, and other managers also agreed.
Anyone know if this is for real? it seems kinda crazy that they're telling me to go get a piercing in what not long ago was perceived to be the "gay" ear.
I hate our uniform policies. So lame.
I refuse to take all my piercing out. They're only ear piercings ffs. I cover them up with bandaids. Really can't care, I don't get paid enough to give a crap.