I put in my preferences a while ago and tended to rate USYD higher than UNSW. After talking to some of my connections i.e peeps from high ranking schools, it was evident that UNSW was preferred for many reasons. Everyone has their own bias and shit and my perspective was kinda shaped by his rhetoric. Reference to conflicting perspectives intended.
So yeah, I was just wondering what are the pro's and con's of each Uni and overall, which one would you go for and why. For me, I saw USYD as better quality because of the World Uni Rankings or whatever and also it is easier to get to straight from central station, not like UNSW where it takes a couple minutes longer to get to Kenso! - No big deal though
Btw I want to do Pysch, but for this thread, you can talk about the UNI's and their courses as a whole. lol no trolling and complaining please i havent seen a thread like this before.
I put in my preferences a while ago and tended to rate USYD higher than UNSW. After talking to some of my connections i.e peeps from high ranking schools, it was evident that UNSW was preferred for many reasons. Everyone has their own bias and shit and my perspective was kinda shaped by his rhetoric. Reference to conflicting perspectives intended.
So yeah, I was just wondering what are the pro's and con's of each Uni and overall, which one would you go for and why. For me, I saw USYD as better quality because of the World Uni Rankings or whatever and also it is easier to get to straight from central station, not like UNSW where it takes a couple minutes longer to get to Kenso! - No big deal though
Btw I want to do Pysch, but for this thread, you can talk about the UNI's and their courses as a whole. lol no trolling and complaining please i havent seen a thread like this before.
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