Well, my first car was a 1959 Series II Land Rover, which turned out to be not that practical to drive into town (no door locks, no indicators, no seat belts etc.) In every other regard, however, it was fantastic - the interior is metal so you can hose it down, it'll go anywhere and carry anything, it's simple, incredibly durable, and, most of all, it had character.
So, my second car was a 1999 Hyundai Excel, which was total rubbish - the interior was made of some sort of cellophane, the clutch was made of smoke and magic, the gearbox thought it would be fun to randomly refuse to engage reverse (at least I didn't have to double-declutch like on the Rover), the windows fell out if you wound them down and up again, the heater was colder than Antarctica, and the steering was attached to the front wheels by some sort of steering committee in Korea. Not only that, but it was slow and noisy, though not as bad as the Land Rover. 0-100km/h for the Land Rover took about seven years, not much less for the Excel.
But, since I moved to Sydney to go to uni, I don't drive any cars any more as the public transport and/or walking works fine.