I have a fair few 'agro teacher' stories from over the years.
I had one particular teacher for French in Year 8 and Year 9, she raged at least once per lesson, usually at something fairly trivial. I remember in Year 9 a student typed in 'Mrs ---- is an asshole' into Microsoft Sam and played it, the screaming and ranting went on for a good ten minutes after that.
One Indian IST teacher I had once caught a student playing games on a laptop and went off at him like the Incredible Hulk, from that moment on I was terrified of her. She also went off when half the class failed a test, I had to endure her angry rant for the whole period.
Another Indian teacher (this time a science teacher) used to go off almost every lesson at the most trivial of things, and her only solution was to send students to stand outside. As a result, half of my Year 8 science class was standing outside each lesson.