Survivor of the HSC
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Hey, so I don't know if this has been done before, but I wanted to post something for the incoming Year 11's, which I wished someone told me before I leapt from year 10 to 11. Note this is based on my personal experience, so it will probably be different for a lot of people.
Year 11 is a great year - I think it's been one of my favourite years. Not only do you get to pursue the subjects you (hopefully) like, but you will probably find yourself more involved with school (not only with academics, but with EC's too). With that being said, I really would like to press on the importance of picking subjects you enjoy. You have the first few weeks to swap out. As soon as you feel as though you've picked the wrong subject, I recommend switching out. A lot of my friends who have swapped out of subjects do not regret it one bit, and if intuition tells you something is wrong, it's probably right. You're going to find the year much more enjoyable doing subjects you actually like. I think that was definitely something that contributed to my general enjoyment of my first senior year of HS
Onto my second point, get involved with EC's wherever you can. It teaches you about time management and organisational skills. It also provides you with responsibilities that can teach you life lessons. For example, I was elected as a design head, as part of event coordination team and that took up a lot of time, which taught me how to maintain and balance my school work and EC's better. I still did decently academic-wise, despite the extra responsibility. Doing more EC's removes potential procrastination time as well, and I was kind of grateful for that. I had so much to do, I couldn't procrastinate (it's a pretty good situation to be in!) EC's also teach a lot about people, especially about how to deal with difficult ones. It was a somewhat harrowing experience, but a necessary one.
I really recommend keeping a somewhat balanced lifestyle. Don't forget to exercise or do sport! It's so worth it to do physical activity, because it actually destresses you a lot and gets your head in the right space.
A lot of people have probably told you this, but Year 11 is a great time to practice study and organisational skills. Decide on an organisational system that works for you (assessments can get extremely hectic) and get into regular study habits. I really regret not doing the latter, as my study habits now are extremely poor and I need to get my act together really soon before the next school year starts (I have to use my holidays to kick those dirty habits to the curb
) You will thank yourself for getting your shit together in year 11, once you are in year 12.
With assessments, a good way to manage them is to break them up into multiple mini tasks you can cross off. I found this method of breaking down tasks extremely helpful, and I also think it was extremely gratifying crossing off doing certain tasks. It kind of builds you towards a goal and once that assessment is over, it feels awesome. Don't forget to plan out your assessments the day you get them, or you will be extremely frustrated with yourself for not doing it earlier (sound familiar?)
The next point might be a bit oxymoronic, but don't put too much energy into year 11, but at the same time, don't completely slack off. Don't put your biggest effort into year 11, because it can be mentally exhausting and you need that capacity for year 12, where things actually count. However, with that being said, don't completely slack off either. You want to start off with some momentum for year 12 and get into a regular rhythm of doing things. I put in a lot of effort in year 11, but I guess I'm lucky enough not to be completely worn out.
Don't be disheartened by your assessment marks and ranks, because they don't matter. No one cares about your year 11 marks. I have no idea what I even got for my assignments anymore, all I know are the ranks (haha) but use your disappointing results as a stepping board. Look at how you can do better, not about what you could've done. I think that's something extremely important you can't rote learn (unlike the entire HSC lol) and it's a skill you will carry on with you throughout life. I look back on the times people have cried about their marks, and it honestly doesn't matter. In the end, no one is going to remember you by your 50% in maths or whatever, but for bigger things than a measly year 11 mark.
Use your summer holidays to relax, because you will actually need it. It is one of the only holidays you will have before HSC, so enjoy it. I wouldn't recommend doing too much work (unless you're bored, then that's understandable), because you will really want to use these holidays to chillax and have a good time. Also don't forget socialising still exists in year 11 (less in year 12 lol), so try and go out with friends whenever possible, because it's really good to get away from the stress of school.
When selecting subjects for year 12, go with your gut. I had the hardest decision for my year 12 subject choices - deciding between two subjects I was ranked really well in, but ultimately decided on the one I was better at and liked more. I've talked to people who've done the opposite and going with the "higher-scaling" subject they weren't so great at instead of the one they liked more and were good at. They all regret it. So when you're given the opportunity to drop a subject in order to pick up some extensions, always go for the one you like better. You will hate yourself less during your HSC year for picking it
ALSO - talking about extensions, don't pick up 4U math for the scaling. I know this has been stressed a lot across many forums, but if you're considering doing MX2, you must love maths to a certain degree. At least 40% of my time is dedicated purely to maths, with a large percentage as MX2. If you only want to do 4U math for the scaling, reconsider, because you're going to end up hating it and possibly bombing out.
Also, Year 11 is a MASSIVE game changer. As everyone does subjects they like/forced to do, you will notice some people standing out because they've suddenly gone from ranking at the bottom of their cohort to the top. Would just like to point this out, because it happened at my school (haha happened to me
) and I think it surprised quite a few people. So I would just like to slip that in, just so you guys know that it could happen to you!
I hope this advice will help anyone entering year 11, and if I have any more advice, I will try and update this post. Feel free to PM me with any questions
I'm happy to answer anything and best of luck entering your final years of high school!
Year 11 is a great year - I think it's been one of my favourite years. Not only do you get to pursue the subjects you (hopefully) like, but you will probably find yourself more involved with school (not only with academics, but with EC's too). With that being said, I really would like to press on the importance of picking subjects you enjoy. You have the first few weeks to swap out. As soon as you feel as though you've picked the wrong subject, I recommend switching out. A lot of my friends who have swapped out of subjects do not regret it one bit, and if intuition tells you something is wrong, it's probably right. You're going to find the year much more enjoyable doing subjects you actually like. I think that was definitely something that contributed to my general enjoyment of my first senior year of HS
Onto my second point, get involved with EC's wherever you can. It teaches you about time management and organisational skills. It also provides you with responsibilities that can teach you life lessons. For example, I was elected as a design head, as part of event coordination team and that took up a lot of time, which taught me how to maintain and balance my school work and EC's better. I still did decently academic-wise, despite the extra responsibility. Doing more EC's removes potential procrastination time as well, and I was kind of grateful for that. I had so much to do, I couldn't procrastinate (it's a pretty good situation to be in!) EC's also teach a lot about people, especially about how to deal with difficult ones. It was a somewhat harrowing experience, but a necessary one.
I really recommend keeping a somewhat balanced lifestyle. Don't forget to exercise or do sport! It's so worth it to do physical activity, because it actually destresses you a lot and gets your head in the right space.
A lot of people have probably told you this, but Year 11 is a great time to practice study and organisational skills. Decide on an organisational system that works for you (assessments can get extremely hectic) and get into regular study habits. I really regret not doing the latter, as my study habits now are extremely poor and I need to get my act together really soon before the next school year starts (I have to use my holidays to kick those dirty habits to the curb
With assessments, a good way to manage them is to break them up into multiple mini tasks you can cross off. I found this method of breaking down tasks extremely helpful, and I also think it was extremely gratifying crossing off doing certain tasks. It kind of builds you towards a goal and once that assessment is over, it feels awesome. Don't forget to plan out your assessments the day you get them, or you will be extremely frustrated with yourself for not doing it earlier (sound familiar?)
The next point might be a bit oxymoronic, but don't put too much energy into year 11, but at the same time, don't completely slack off. Don't put your biggest effort into year 11, because it can be mentally exhausting and you need that capacity for year 12, where things actually count. However, with that being said, don't completely slack off either. You want to start off with some momentum for year 12 and get into a regular rhythm of doing things. I put in a lot of effort in year 11, but I guess I'm lucky enough not to be completely worn out.
Don't be disheartened by your assessment marks and ranks, because they don't matter. No one cares about your year 11 marks. I have no idea what I even got for my assignments anymore, all I know are the ranks (haha) but use your disappointing results as a stepping board. Look at how you can do better, not about what you could've done. I think that's something extremely important you can't rote learn (unlike the entire HSC lol) and it's a skill you will carry on with you throughout life. I look back on the times people have cried about their marks, and it honestly doesn't matter. In the end, no one is going to remember you by your 50% in maths or whatever, but for bigger things than a measly year 11 mark.
Use your summer holidays to relax, because you will actually need it. It is one of the only holidays you will have before HSC, so enjoy it. I wouldn't recommend doing too much work (unless you're bored, then that's understandable), because you will really want to use these holidays to chillax and have a good time. Also don't forget socialising still exists in year 11 (less in year 12 lol), so try and go out with friends whenever possible, because it's really good to get away from the stress of school.
When selecting subjects for year 12, go with your gut. I had the hardest decision for my year 12 subject choices - deciding between two subjects I was ranked really well in, but ultimately decided on the one I was better at and liked more. I've talked to people who've done the opposite and going with the "higher-scaling" subject they weren't so great at instead of the one they liked more and were good at. They all regret it. So when you're given the opportunity to drop a subject in order to pick up some extensions, always go for the one you like better. You will hate yourself less during your HSC year for picking it
ALSO - talking about extensions, don't pick up 4U math for the scaling. I know this has been stressed a lot across many forums, but if you're considering doing MX2, you must love maths to a certain degree. At least 40% of my time is dedicated purely to maths, with a large percentage as MX2. If you only want to do 4U math for the scaling, reconsider, because you're going to end up hating it and possibly bombing out.
Also, Year 11 is a MASSIVE game changer. As everyone does subjects they like/forced to do, you will notice some people standing out because they've suddenly gone from ranking at the bottom of their cohort to the top. Would just like to point this out, because it happened at my school (haha happened to me
I hope this advice will help anyone entering year 11, and if I have any more advice, I will try and update this post. Feel free to PM me with any questions