So I made this account just to post here. I'm a year 11 student at SMSHS (just started last last week

I would disagree to everyone saying you'll have a horrible time here, it's just a matter of opinion I guess. IMO, it's a relaxed environment and they really emphasise the adult learning environment they have here.
Anyways, if you really want to get in, I suggest getting good grades (around B's) for semester 1 this year as they usually open up applications Term 3 or 4, meaning you'll only have your semester 1 report to show. Also, you'll have to write about why you want to get in. I'd suggest you write that you want to get in because you want to be more independent, you want to get good grades, and because you heard that St Marys Senior High is a good school to learn in. All that stuff, I can't exactly remember what I wrote for my application but it was something along the lines of what I've mentioned.
And really, the most important thing is to submit your application really really early. When they give you a reply back, it actually shows what your application number was (I was the 45th person). My friend who submitted his at the last minute didn't get accepted (he was 800 something) due to the amount of people applying to SMSHS. There's around 400 people, so only 50% get in. It shouldn't be that hard though, just get good grades and apply early.
tl;dr get good grades (B's), apply early, don't half-ass your application form where it asks you why you want to get in SMSHS.
Hope to see ya there next year
EDIT: What I forgot to mention was that SMSHS doesn't only accept high-achieving academic students. If you're good at sports and you have the qualities, as someone above me has stated, you can get in.