Same here. From assessments 1-3 maths ext for me was outscaling business but after the maths ext trial I'm not so sure anymore

I've yet to do my business trial but pretty unprepared for that hehehahahah *dies*
At this rate I have no idea what's going to count.
Actual question: how much time would you business people dedicate to studying case studies for the long response (like e.g. 3hours? only after I do all content?) I have today only to study for business, I haven't finished reading through my notes and fuark it's gonna take ages. All I've done is:
- few sets of MC questions (mistakes made due to things I didn't know due to not studying OTL)
- briefly glanced over a few short answers
- Sorted out the syllabus dotpoints into: stuff I can ditch if i run out of time, stuff I need to review, stuff I'm fked for. Rn I've been slowly going through the latter two lists
Should i just fk the case study and make up stats?