is that the actual 2023 James Ruse Ext 2 Trial paper?
No. Same questions though.
There is yet a third version of the James Ruse ext. 2. This one has solutions in the same file. See attached.
It seems that the 2 previous versions were created with LaTeX whereas this one is created in Word.
Although this IS the original one, the clean LaTeX one in
post #28 looks better.
...... with some caveats however. There are unfortunately some errors in the LaTeX versions.
In the uwuse version in 11a
![](\bg_white \sqrt3-3)
should be
![](\bg_white \sqrt3-i)
. This was fixed in the clean LaTeX version.
In 11d "equation" should be "centre":
latex versions:
Curiously, even the original has an error: "equations" should be "equation" - which ironically is correct in the LaTeX version!
12bi has = in an obviously wrong place:
Also 14b LaTeX version has this missing:
Mark allocation for 13b is 3 not 2
Mark allocation for 14biii is 3 not 4