What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this? (1 Viewer)

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Sep 19, 2023
yeah this thread ain’t helping, people are draining their lives into their responses and get back hate/insult either side they defend, obviously there’s a constant fight between specific people but it’s getting out of hand and the arguments are getting nowhere and the only thing it’s leading to is hate between users and It’s distracting everyone from their hsc. We don’t have time for adults to attack teenagers for having an opinion (I’m talking about you @AAArated and @SylviaB), and for stupid drama between teenagers about who’s right or wrong.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
Controversial opinion but we don't know the full story. I'm cheering for neither Hamas or Israel. I wish there was less bloodshed on civilians on both sides of the conflict. But my words of sympathy mean nothing.

We live in a country that backs Israel so our perception will be warped.


Oct 14, 2023
I think there comes a difficult point when discussing what can and can't be said at protests. It's definitely wrong to chant things like 'Gas the Jews', or to incite violence, at any protest no questions about it. It's a bit of a paradox; chanting something of that sort defeats the entire purpose of what the people are protesting for, (meant to be peacefully protesting for) the 'genocide against Palestinians.'

I'm sure that the people who attended; the people who were there for the right reasons, (to want to spread their message, etc, like the points I mentioned previously) are educated thoroughly about the issue and thus can separate emotion from action, to adopt a logical manner of communicating their views - to be rational about what they were protesting for and didn't mean for such an outcome. It convolutes their message.

All I can think is of that minority (perhaps those who haven't considered their reasons for attending in a logical, thoughtful manner, instead of emotion-based) who take a step too far and let their emotions take hold of them, saying things without considering them. Again, it wouldn't make sense for this to be planned when you consider why they were protesting in the first place, against a genocide. Why would they organize a protest to incite more genocide, or appreciate one of the past? I definitely think the eventuation of this chanting and burning of flags have played a part in the recent peaceful and silent protests that have been happening for Palestine; to avoid their message being clouded by the shameful minority who takes things a step too far.

I think the situation does need to be approached with sensitivity from both sides; it's important to note that at protests, particularly in this case, emotions are heightened; people are surrounded with an echo chamber of people who feel the same way as them.. so people say and do things they shouldn't because they let this validation of their suppressed feelings get to their head. Things happen that shouldn't. We can look back to history for many examples of this. I think it's a part of human nature to jump to extremes (unfortunately, in this case, was to chant and burn flags) when faced with vulnerability and problems.

In my opinion, I don't think the government should need to step in at protests. I think people have an innate understanding of what is right and what is wrong; what they should or shouldn't say/do. They should be able to understand their emotions and not let them take control at the moment; they should possess human decency to understand, in this case, the suffering of the Jewish population in the Holocaust and use that, even moreso, to motivate them in spreading their message to not let the same thing happen to their own people (as they're protesting against the 'Palestinian genocide'). But unfortunately, not all people are able to do this. I think it's very complex to know where to draw the line with government intervention in such a matter.

I can't remember who exactly posted the comments about the assimilation and negative views, I think Trebla also alluded to it as well. I found it very ironic, even disappointing (as a second-gen Australian) that comments can be made about people going back to 'where they came from', just because they voice an opinion someone doesn't like; or because they disagree with the actions of their government (jumping to extremes, hating on a certain group like I previously mentioned) or when people stand up for their beliefs.

I don't know what happened at the protests; I wasn't there. I'd like to, however, hope it was a minority which just reflected badly on the majority. Again, I definitely doubt it was the intention of the original protest organizers as the message that was conveyed due to this shameful minority is the exact opposite of what they were protesting for. And we have to consider the perspective of the media, which is already seemingly anti-Palestine.

And you don't have to thank me for keeping it civil - it's genuinely the bare minimum. It's important to have sensitivity and empathy when approaching these issues, as again these are real situations and real people's lives. Generally speaking, if we allow our views to be corroded with derogatory, illogical, irrational speech then our message becomes convoluted. It loses its value. I guess this last line kind of links back to what I was saying in the other paragraph about the protest - sometimes when things are important to us, we get taken away in the spur of the moment and can do things we don't want to. But hopefully having this kind of attitude will allow for greater, more open communication and debate in the future. I find it exciting that the youth (us) of society can discuss such issues in an open environment. It posits more space for understanding, awareness, empathy and personal growth.
Don't ever attempt to mix logic and politics, it never works


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
The only reason arabs/muslims didn't colonise 100% of the world is because they were incapable of it, not because they showed restraint or respected sovreignity or any kind of nonsense.

And Europeans are admonished literally on a daily basis for their involvement in the african slave trade and colonisation. Muslims on the other hand like to pretend that they weren't the main people responsible for the african slave trade, and they like to act as if they're some kind of historically oppressed group. Next you'll be telling us the crusades were imperialism waged against indigenous people or some shit.
Around the 1600s, the Indians were a group of advanced civilizations themselves. They weren't the wealthiest country in terms of GDP per capita, but they still were better off than most the world. Now after British colonization, South Asia is the poorest region in the entire world only behind Africa. Most Britons don't even acknowledge colonzation. They have Indian blood on their hands. 100+ million Indians killed in 40 years. Bigger number than Hitler. Worse still, they don't even return India's prized artifacts. Never even apologised.

What happened to the Africans was even more tragic. Litterally enslaved and used like property. African women were given a quota to birth an amount of children for their freedom. At least India is on the correct path. No thanks to Europeans. Outside of Egypt and South Africa, which are still both very poor countries, Africa is extremely awful. France still has massive power of Africa.

Iran and Afganistan. WTF? Litterally killed everyone there and stole the oil. Made everyone's lives worse, under the guise of 911 and WMDs, when it was proven that Saudi Arabia has more involvment in 911, and Iran didin't even have WMDs, and the government knew it. Convinently they are also all MUSLIMS

White countries aren't sorry for what they did. If they were, they would apologies and try to right any wrongs. They are still exploiting the results of their colonization today. At least the Musllims keep it in their part of the world. White people are FAR worse than Muslims. Christians killed way more people than Muslims.

Don't underplay the Europeans fucking up the rest of the world. Fuck you. Fuck the American governmetn. Fuck the 51st state of America. Fuck Governor Anthony Albanse. And fuck ANYONE who supports Australian, American state sponsored terrorists miltary.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
"don't bring religion into this!"

So the actions of "islamic Resistance Movement" and "islamic jihad" aren't related to religion?

The palestian supporters shouting "allahu akbar" aren't making this about religion?

Extremists don't represent an entire religion. It's like judging Christians as annoying right wing idiots.

I met a Muslim guy who went to Parramatta High. He was just like any other person. Apart from not being allowed to touch dogs.

Don't be a bigot


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Extremists don't represent an entire religion. It's like judging Christians as annoying right wing idiots.

I met a Muslim guy who went to Parramatta High. He was just like any other person. Apart from not being allowed to touch dogs.

Don't be a bigot
what a dumb comment lmao

i wasn't saying all muslims are extremists - this is literally about the palestine issue involving religion. Which is undeniably does.

But I mean, the fact you use 'Christians as annoying right wing idiots' as your example of bad christians is extremely telling. If that's the worst you can come up with, it shows that christians aren't as bad as muslims. If the worst that muslims ever were was being 'annoying right wing idiots', nobody would have a problem wiith muslims.

And you met ONE muslim guy, and that's your basis for judging the entire religion?

Also, calling people bigots while supporting muslims 💀 💀 💀 💀


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Around the 1600s, the Indians were a group of advanced civilizations themselves. They weren't the wealthiest country in terms of GDP per capita, but they still were better off than most the world.
They were extremely poor and undeveloped, and were only relatively good because of how poor the rest of the world is.

Now after British colonization, South Asia is the poorest region in the entire world only behind Africa.
Mostly because the British introduction of advanced agricultre, medicine etc. allowed the population of south asia to rapidly expand, but they weren't capable of growing their economy proportional to this.

Most Britons don't even acknowledge colonzation. They have Indian blood on their hands.
Literally every single british school kid today gets brow beaten from childhood over colonialism.

100+ million Indians killed in 40 years. Bigger number than Hitler. Worse still, they don't even return India's prized artifacts. Never even apologised.
Ah yes, muh hundred gorillion. A higher number is invented every year. In reality, British rule resulted in a net reduction in indian deaths as evidenced by the fact that the population grew so much, and it stopped inter-kingdom conflicts and it stopped external invasions. In recent history, the main people who can be said to have killed large numbers of indians are the mughals, who literally never even warrant a mention despite doing far worse than the british ever did.

And how the fuck british possession of indian artifacts "worse still" than people supposedly being killed?

And in nay case, the only reason these artifiacts still is exist in most cases is because of british custody and preservation of them.

What happened to the Africans was even more tragic. Litterally enslaved and used like property.
"Enslaved" implies they were previously free. They weren't. The African slave trade existed many centuries before europeans became involved with it. At the peak of the atlantic slave trade, it is estimated that it represented a measly 10 PERCENT of the entire African slave trade. The rest was Africans and arabs. And the only reaosn we even talk about slavery in the US today is because there are still descendants of slaves living in the US today - arabs get away with pretending it didn't happen largely because, not only are they not white and therefore receive a pass for any historical injustices they perpetrate, but also because they castrated most of their male slaves and so there's very few africans in the arab world today.

Europeans by and large didn't make anyone a slave who wouldn't have otherwise been a slave, and not only did they not destroy lineages through castration, but the descendants now live in countries like the US instead of some shithole in africa.

At least India is on the correct path. No thanks to Europeans. Outside of Egypt and South Africa, which are still both very poor countries, Africa is extremely awful.
India would be vastly poorer without colonisation.

And Africa's problems are categorically not caused by colonisation. Africans couldn't even maintain the countries built by Europeans, much less build functional countries of their own. South Africa has turned to complete shit since the ANC have been in charge, contrary to the wildly incorrect prediction of dorks like you. And Rhodesia was the bread basket of africa - now zimbabwe is one of the poorest countries in the world thanks to gross government incompetence.

Before Europeans showed up in South Africa, the genocidal zulus, a central african bantu people, had almost entirely wiped out the indigenous peoples of south africa (mostly the khoisan). And yet, what people get mad about it whites having separate drinking fountains to blacks, and not only is the zulu genocide not ever condemned, but the zulus are an exalted group and africans around the world have reverance for shakar zulu. Sad!

Africa has never been wealthy, and it wasn't developing when the Europeans arrived. They hadn't even invented the wheel ffs and almost none of them had written language. It was full of tribes murdering, raping and enslaving one another. The only reason sub-saharan africa has a meaningful economy to speak of is the legacy of europeans. The limited development they have experienced is all with technology invented by europeans, and idiots like to cry about western companies operating mines in africa, but africa would be without billions of dollars in income and tax revenue without this. You see those sad stories of shirtless children shoveling rock in some coltan mines? That's what happens when you don't have western (or chinese) companies to build and operatre proper, modern mines.

France still has massive power of Africa.
Yeah, mostly for the benefit of Africans. Countries that silll use Francs have avoided the gross corruption and mismanagement of other african governments that has resulted in egregious currency debasement. But by all means, it's good these countries are moving towards their own currencies, so they can wreck their economies even more than they have through currency debasement. Of course, they and fools like you will continue to blame white people, but it will at least be less convincing this time, one would hope.

Iran and Afganistan. WTF? Litterally killed everyone there and stole the oil. Made everyone's lives worse, under the guise of 911 and WMDs, when it was proven that Saudi Arabia has more involvment in 911, and Iran didin't even have WMDs, and the government knew it. Convinently they are also all MUSLIMS
Sure, this is bad. But I mean the reason that muslims and arabs in most of the middle east and north africa is entirely due to violent conquest. Most of this area was occupied by non-arab christians before islamic conquests, but now they turn around and act like oppressed indigenous peoples. It's nonsense.

And they didn't "steal the oil". The main reason for the Iraq invasion was to eliminate the risk of Iraq invading Saudi Arabia without US troops having to be stationed there (which was causing extreme anger by fundamentalist muslims in suadi arabia at the presence of dirty infindels in the holy land). So it was really all muslim vs muslim all along.

White countries aren't sorry for what they did. If they were, they would apologies and try to right any wrongs.
European countries teach children that colonisation was bad, they don't celebrate it, they tear down statues of colonial leaders, they voluntarily relinquished all of their african colonies etc.

When have any non-whites ever even pretended to apologise for their extensive histories of conquest and slavery? Not once.

They are still exploiting the results of their colonization today. At least the Musllims keep it in their part of the world.
First of all, it's only "their" part of the world due to historical conquest.

Secondly, middle eastern muslims have literally no ability to project power beyond the middle east and north africa. They're not choosing to be restrained, they simply have no choice. If muslims had the power that europeans have today, they would have conquered the entire world.

And again, you're apparently ignorant of the history of conquest and slavery in Africa by muslims. Muslims were responsible for more of the african slave trade than europeans were - and somehow this is "keeping it in their part of the world"? I mean Europeans abolished slavery before muslims did, and europeans were largely the ones who made the muslims abolish it.

The most remarkable thing about Europeans in not their extent of colonialism. It's how incredibly restrained they were/are despite being hte most powerful people ever to exist.

White people are FAR worse than Muslims. Christians killed way more people than Muslims.
The history of islamic conquest is far more brutal than european conquest. Muslims just never had the power that europeans did.

Don't underplay the Europeans fucking up the rest of the world.
I have no idea what kind of state you think the world was in before european colonialism, but I'll tell you how it actually was: Poor, violent, brutal. It's a great irony that progressives hate europeans, when everything progressive today is a product of europeans (sadly, imo). Did Europeans fuck up the world by helping to end the bulk of the african slave trade? Did they fuck up the world by introducing modern agriculture and medicine? Would Africa have been better if it were still tribes killing and enslaving one another? Or do you believe that Africans would have gone from being extremely primitive to extremely advanced overnight if europeans hadn't shown up, despite the complete lack of any of the intellectual precedents of European scientific and technological advances i.e. an intellectual tradition stretching back thousands of years involving written language, mathematics, philosophy and science)?

Fuck you. Fuck the American governmetn. Fuck the 51st state of America. Fuck Governor Anthony Albanse. And fuck ANYONE who supports Australian, American state sponsored terrorists miltary.
Die mad


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
yeah this thread ain’t helping, people are draining their lives into their responses and get back hate/insult either side they defend, obviously there’s a constant fight between specific people but it’s getting out of hand and the arguments are getting nowhere and the only thing it’s leading to is hate between users and It’s distracting everyone from their hsc. We don’t have time for adults to attack teenagers for having an opinion (I’m talking about you @AAArated and @SylviaB), and for stupid drama between teenagers about who’s right or wrong.
Where am I attacking anyone? I'm the one being attacked if anything


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2022
Alice Springs
You don't have to read it. But it could definitely help you to become more open-minded, I guess.
Thats what I was thinking when I saw that 😭 Its one thing to engage in a debate and ask for input from the other side, 'finding evidence', but then to be not bothered reading a constructive, cohesive response


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2022
Alice Springs
Just been scrolling through r/worldnews to get a different perspective on the war. I've noticed a couple of examples where Israel has caved into U.S. pressure with regard to their humanitarian treatment of those in Gaza, such as: Israel resumes water supply to southern Gaza after U.S. pressure and Israel approves entry of humanitarian aid to Gaza from Egypt after U.S. pressure.

Not that I'm entirely anti-Israeli, but when U.S. foreign ambassadors are the voice of reason in a foreign conflict... you know Israel might be doing something a little off.
Reddit can often be an echo chamber and a lot of its users can be likeminded. The whole system of 'upvoting/downvoting' seems very dystopian to me, some opinions get banished by society while others appear on your feed because the majority of likeminded users upvote them. That's not to discredit any of that news at all but I try to avoid the comment section on there.


New Member
May 7, 2022
Reddit can often be an echo chamber and a lot of its users can be likeminded. The whole system of 'upvoting/downvoting' seems very dystopian to me, some opinions get banished by society while others appear on your feed because the majority of likeminded users upvote them. That's not to discredit any of that news at all but I try to avoid the comment section on there.
reddit sucks


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2022
Alice Springs
White people are FAR worse than Muslims. Christians killed way more people than Muslims.
Yeah, like I've killed anyone. You also said that extremists don't represent the religion in the very next post which is directly contradictory to what you just said about Christians killing people.


Oct 14, 2023
Yeah, like I've killed anyone. You also said that extremists don't represent the religion in the very next post which is directly contradictory to what you just said about Christians killing people.
People who oppose the doctrines message through their actions should not be considered to have a subscription to this doctrine.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
yeah this thread ain’t helping, people are draining their lives into their responses and get back hate/insult either side they defend, obviously there’s a constant fight between specific people but it’s getting out of hand and the arguments are getting nowhere and the only thing it’s leading to is hate between users and It’s distracting everyone from their hsc. We don’t have time for adults to attack teenagers for having an opinion (I’m talking about you @AAArated and @SylviaB), and for stupid drama between teenagers about who’s right or wrong.
nah HSC basically ends next week for most and then maybe last subject is physics but that should be ez to do anyway plenty of time


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Extremists don't represent an entire religion. It's like judging Christians as annoying right wing idiots.

I met a Muslim guy who went to Parramatta High. He was just like any other person. Apart from not being allowed to touch dogs.

Don't be a bigot
Christians and white people abolished slavery, The ottomans/islamic empire continued slavery for about 1300 years.
Also tell me how you can say a religion that forbades anyone from leaving it to be put to death is better?
I know a international student who was ex muslim and now is a Christian and he legit has stayed in Australia since in fear of getting put to death just because he left islam and became a Christian.
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