I had a complete mind-blank when writing about Qutb and ended up writing 3-4 pages on BS - I did mention his "Social justice" views, Mahijad(?spelling), and a few other views within his text, but it was poorly done. If I get 11/20 for it, I'd be more than suprised. MC - 7/10 probably and...
Pretty good. I think I named a few instruments wrong (correct family) but I correctly labelled and described what they were doing/etc, so besides from not getting a few marks for that, should get 23-26/30.
Basically found out I did like, 70% of the test wrong. Excellent. I thought I did pretty well, but now my hopes have been dashed. If I used the right equation but used one wrong measurement - the markers are told to 'Give marks for suitable calculations'. For say 2-3 mark questions, could I get...
We are not saying it was hard, we are saying that instead of testing your technical knowledge of the subject, they just asked you a lot of logic based questions.
They can not fail you. If you drew something that enabled collaboration, then they have to give you the marks. You could of done a group text and that could of even been one. Lol.
You didn't have to draw a CFD. You literally had to draw a diagram of a car, the transmission medium and the base server. There was no need to draw a CFD and/or DFD in the exam.
That's fine. I just drew (like I said) a forum with a post thread, reply option, and people that had replied to a thread about a question.
The OSS question was pretty easy.
The ear diagram - 3/3 - I did the entire ear and had to teach it for a week to my class for an assignment. You guys should of had A- Tympanic membrane (eardrum), B- Ear ossicles and C- Oval Window.
When talking about what B does, you should of talked about how it collects the mechanical...
Talked about isolation of the horses, destroying clothes of people that came in contact, making sure they wash correctly and vaccinating all horses that were not infected. (Y)