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  • A two week ban will just have you coming back though. And it'll be looming over you for the next two weeks, and you'll just be waiting to come back. Whereas if you make the choice yourself, you define the parameters and your the one in control.

    As for the friend situation, high schools a rough game. Social hierarchies are more prominent in high school than probably anywhere else. I'd say don't worry too much about your year. Try talking to the people in the year below you, or two below. You won't have the same sort of stigma as the people in your year, and it'll widen the potential number of people as well.
    Then make it happen. You can do it, and you don't need us to do it for you. If you want to take a break from here, go for it. If you need to create a new account to start fresh here, you can do that. But it doesn't mean as much if we do it for you. The journey to self-improvement comes from the self.
    Well if it is the only social thing in your life, why cut off from it. You do ridiculous things at times (like plaster porn) which causes you problems. Just be nice, civil, and enjoy yourself here. Like I said, banning you doesn't solve anything. If you really don't want to be here, then self-control should be able to do it. If you keep coming back, well maybe you didn't really want to leave in the first place.
    You don't need to cut off everything. Even those who get the top HSC marks don't do that. You just need to balance things. Self-restraint from the forum will do far better things for you than having us ban you.
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