Recent content by art.theclown

  1. art.theclown

    a boy

  2. art.theclown

    a boy

  3. art.theclown

    a boy

  4. art.theclown

    a boy

    Okay... I'll try to get out of telling him. I might hint at liking him though. We're also going on holidays next month together and we're living in the same house, so....
  5. art.theclown

    a boy

    I'll js be like "I like him but he doesn't like me", but he'll def ask me more about it. Ugh. This is so stressful.
  6. art.theclown

    a boy

    So do I just continue being flirty or wtv? Also, I'm seeing him soon, so he'll ask me who I like. He knows it's someone that goes to his school. (The someone is him. I was being way too confident.) Im scared.
  7. art.theclown

    a boy

    Like a week ago
  8. art.theclown

    a boy

    How do I tell him my feelings without making it weird..?
  9. art.theclown

    a boy

    But he's gonna ask me who I like when we meet in person soon, so what do I say. Do I confess or...?
  10. art.theclown

    smexxyyy thang

    smexxyyy thang
  11. art.theclown

    a boy

    So I have this friend. He and I have known each other a few years and we're close friends. I have grown to like him. We've had our moments. Example: I accidentally straddled him and he didn't mind, he let me message people on his phone (I was messaging people saying he liked me) and he didn't...
  12. art.theclown

    Guy at work

    Lmao my friend logged into my acc and posted this - it isnt an actual thing. She says that aye-dominoing is a positive thing, getting knocked down like dominos (whatever that means ;)) Coming from me (not aye domino friend), I am very socially anxious and I can't talk to people i'm not familiar...
  13. art.theclown

    Guy at work

    ACTUALLYY if you want recommendations to start just askk!!
  14. art.theclown

    Guy at work

    You're so sweet for explaining!!! Basically Stray kids are a kpop group they make like edm/rap/hiphop style music. Two of the members are korean-australian actually! one went to like newtown performing and the other i think st patricks dundas or smth. BUT a bit of an explanation even though...
  15. art.theclown

    Guy at work

    That was NOT me. It was my friend 💀 it's just an inside joke