I'm back!!!!
I came in to this thread tonight to ask for some advice, but then I read a one year old unread PM from nanakid and I thought I owed some of the older posters that I remember well (Matt, BSammy, Britto, T360, ekul etc) an explanation as to why I suddenly dropped off the face of the...
Hi guys! I apologise for not coming on here in like 18 months (I actually have really good reasons :p) but I need help and I know you will all be able to help amazingly :)
I'm rostered for self serve close on the first night we will have them. According to my CSM I'll get a storenet guide and...
a question i meant to ask ages ago...
for people cluey with people planner (ie perhaps harry):
how the hell do you print from there? I've worked out everything else except that. And its perhaps the only thing I need to know :rolleyes:
I really should have been sent home too!
My list for the night was serve/routine/fill smokes/clean/spot tills. As I said, did not serve anyone past 5.40, had all the liquor tills spot checked well before close, filled liquor smokes to the brim so they shouldn't have to get any more for the...
OMG our liquor manager is actually screwed in the head.
Sunday, there is one person in there from 12-5 and noone to do her lunchbreak (she actually works 11-5.30, and the afternoon SSA does the morning shift in liquor, so I have to do it and then leave front end short).
Today, Monday, there...
It is extremely conceivable that my store could lose three, if not more supervisors, within say the next month-6 weeks.
One resigned this morning. Had a 9.30-6.30 supervision shift. Rang about half an hour ago and told the SM to forget about it.
2IC probably isn't coming back.
Re: Woolworths FAQ- how to get a job
zero shifts for me next week! thank fuck.
i wanted to get rid of my crap 5.30-8.30 shift tomorrow night but noone with safe access could/wanted to do it :(
Re: Woolworths FAQ- how to get a job
My understanding is that you can cancel a shift prior to the employees arrival at work, so 1 hour beforehand is kosher unfotunately.
Re: Woolworths FAQ- how to get a job
i found it really easily the first time i looked and now i can't find the link!
if i can't i'll pm you and send you the copy i have :)
Start times may be changed, if contact is made, prior to the employee's arrival
for work. Where the labour schedule is changed after the schedule has been
posted on the noticeboard, the Company will notify the employee of such
changes. Notification will include contacting the employee by...
HA thats actually hilarious.
In saying that I have confiscated ipods and phones SO many times (actually from the same two people) during dead late nights.