Democracy fails just like every other political affiliation does; because humans are egocentric and want power. In principle many political parties have great policies and moral standpoints. But in practice, everything comes down to the greed and/or reputation of a few powerful people. Most...
a. (4/12)*(3/11)*(2/10)
b. Number of ways in which marbles can be chosen: 3! = 6. So we need to consider 6 probabilities and add them together.
First selection*second selection*third selection
Y*B*R + B*R*Y + R*Y*B + R*B*Y + Y*R*B + B*Y*R =
(5/12)*(4/11)*(3/10) + (4/12)*(3/11)*(5/10) +...
The most obvious answer is usually the right one.
Go with your gut instinct.
If possible, cover up the multiple options, read the question as if it is a short answer, write down your answer then see if it matches up to any of the multiple choice options.
Be sure to physically read EVERY...
Usually the most obvious answer is the correct one. The answers are not there to trick you. If you logically and systematically work through them you will be okay. I must admit, multiple choice in english can be quite unfair (in that our interpretation of texts is a personal and subjective...
Have a read through all the other threads with IMPORTANT: written in front of the title.
I concur. The above post of a high quality.
A good scientific word to use relating to accuracy is 'precision'; use it when talking about the accuracy of the measuring instruments. This is exactly what annabackwards is referring to in her section on 'accuracy'. Of course, 5dp is much more...
Unless you're an HSC marker it's really hard to say. As you know, it would be much better to write a sustained, eloquent piece with relatively simple language rather than a verbose, disjointed essay with relatively sophisticated language.
A great teacher of mine once told me to do both. Keep it...
Based on the statistics in the 'raw marks released' threads, I deduced that I got 58-59/84 (approx. 70%) as a raw mark for Mathematics Extension 1. My aligned mark was 91/100.
80%+ across the board in my subjects got me an ATAR in the 94's. I did English (Advanced), Studies of Religion (1...
Firstly, you haven't failed miserably. You haven't really failed, you've simply learnt a lesson(s) from a disappointing experience. As far as I'm concerned 12/25 is still an okay essay; with a few minor adjustments I'm sure you could move it up to 16+/25. Bear in mind that teachers tend to mark...
I chose to analyse the narrative film Life is Beautiful by Roberto Benigni. It's a soild text to do with very clear links to History and Memory. I think it may have been on the syllabus in previous years.
Sounds very good to me. Remember to continually evaluate the representation of belonging in the texts - this is the bulk of your essay. You need to focus on HOW (techniques) your interpretation of belonging is represented in and through your chosen texts.
It doesn't really matter how long it is...
It's very important to know the meaning of each of the keywords cause let's face it, if you don't answer the question you can't access the higher grades.
To reiterate, keywords are used in every type of question, not just 5+ markers. I remember getting a question worth 2 marks partially wrong...
The list can be divided into three groups based on their level of complexity.
1. Low-order thinking keywords i.e. the basic verbs generally used in objective response (e.g. multiple choice) and short-answer type questions. E.g. Define, identify, summarise.
2. Middle-order keywords verbs...