dont worry about having to start.. i mean, if you are like me, i am more motivated to do it all at one time.. (and i get pre decent marks) rather than do bits slowly and step by step...
goodluck with it all
pick a question and keeep thinking about it.. i have found the more i thnk aout my...
has anyone been a homeschooled student and then gone to a mainstream school (public or private)?
If so.. could you answer these question in detail for me:
What did it feel like changing from homeschooling to having a public or private school education? Was it challenging? Make friends easy...
you said relationships with famly memebers is a bad topic,
how about 'dating practices in adolescent religious groups/ different cultures?'
i am really interested in this topic, i have sent this to my distant ed teacher but have not gained a reply yet..
is it a no go?