I wouldn't go for weigh yourself unless its something like once a week. Your weight flucuates every day by a kilo or so... so its really hard to measure it.
Also with the sizes its a bit silly as every brand has its own set of sizes. French connection is the worst, I fit into a size 6 there...
Miso soup is great at nighttime a small snack, it only has 36 calories per serving and it really does fill you up. Soups in general are good because they the water fills you up. Pumpkin soup is my personal fav :)
Yoga's more of a stress relaxation thing... if you wanted to build up strength for...
As you are female unless you are on steroids you cannot develop larges muscles. Its good to push yourself and carry heavy things though because the more muscle you have the more energy (fat) you burn when you're not doing anything. However when I refer to "more muscle" this isn't the bulky, its...
Start counting your calories, there are plenty of online calculators to help you such as the bottom of this page
Health > Diet & Nutrition > Calorie counter :ninemsn health
Then figure out your basal metabolic rate + whatever exercise you do then make sure you eat less then your intake
you may wish to have a look at the Med Students Online - For medicine, dentistry, allied health, UMAT, GAMSAT, interview and general discussion. they have a wiki that would answer the majority of your questions, plus medstudents around to help answer any unanswered questions.
Why wouldn't you want to give back? Isn't the fact that going to school is free, and university a minimal cost an example of how society invests in us in the hope we'd contribute something back?
If no one contributed, the privledges society offers would cease to exist.
This is hardly unsual at UNSW most courses causcasions are the minority. UNSW is like 60% Asian, I'm caucasion and I sit with two blonde girls and you betcha ass we are a rarity. You get used to it after a while, though when I go home its like "zomg guys are tall?"
Hey guys
I was wondering whether any of you were interested in buying my old UMAT ACER preparation books. I also have my old Medentry trial exam with solutions if you'd like that. I can also help you out with interviewing tips as I interviewed most places in Australia.
Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
Its the true story of how Greg Mortenson's work building schools for girls in Taliban ridden Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Very inspirational stuff.
ps I love you by Cecilia Ahern- I swear I cried every second chapter or so, apparently the movie is no where near as sad, but I refuse to watch it.
Checkers- John Marsden; Why?? Why did you have to pick that ending, I was so shocked and after reading 3 morbid books of his I gave up on him...
Firstly a GP is a specialisation and requires a lot of work to become one. Yes surgeons are pretty special people who live 100+ hour work weeks. So have fun with that.
Looking at your subjects I am curious as to why you want to do medicine, not to say you can't. Medicine does not have english...
dear customer,
No, we don't have a magical second store out back. We have boxes, we never really know what is in the boxes until we open and dig through them.
This is time consuming, this isn't possible to do in what the five seconds you are willing to wait, and if you force me to go and look...
I am a med student who works, one of many. I also entirely support myself. I work like crazy during the summer to afford rent and things I want, and a little during the actual session. I also have a nice social life. This summer alone I have enough to cover my fees and a little extra for some...
the Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole....
honestly if you'd read it, you would definitely agree, while it was groundbreaking at the time... its just bad.
I like them, but I won't read them unless they've got good characters and storyline that I can respect. Pride and Prejudice will always have a home on my shelf.
The "omg im in love with my boss..." makes me want to stab them, and really any badly written characters generally piss me off. Not...