hey guys so i'm new to this tutoring business so i was wondering if you could give me some tips? :) i'm thinking of meeting up with them and getting to know them a bit before i start?! like a trial lesson? and then asking some questions about how they are in school and what they like/don't...
if the newspapers are going to release the offers tomorrow then they would have to know it before 9pm i reckon, MEANING the unsw guy was wrong! (cause he said nobody knew it except for the uac) haha but yeah i guess we won't really know till 9!
guys i called up UNSW and they said that it doesn't guarantee your spot - they don't know what you get till 9pm as well and it only worked out cause they already had our information
i told him that some people didn't get into higher atar courses and he said he didn't know why that would...
I'm off to Beijing with a friend for two weeks and I'm starting to list up things we probably would do :) we just want to have some nice, easy-going fun which doesn't necessarily include visiting all the cultural landmarks and such
I've googled things to do but it all comes up with temples and...
i'm working at australia post too :D
i haven't really been thinking about my atar...i just hope that it won't be any lower than my unsatisfying estimate...