Recent content by csquar3d

  1. C

    Wise to move in with a girlfriend after School for uni... for 4 years?

    big lolz. yeah probably... fuckin women... :P
  2. C

    Wise to move in with a girlfriend after School for uni... for 4 years?

    should be a two bedroom apartment (her parentals dislike same room etc) kitchen: definitely :D quite small i presume....
  3. C

    Wise to move in with a girlfriend after School for uni... for 4 years?

    The girl and i have been dating for pretty much a year and a half, we have decided to move away 2 hours from home for uni. Just the two of us... We have fights every so often but ends up to be ok in the end... so i believe. I have been thinking about all the people i wouldnt see for a while. I...