Recent content by Davii

  1. D

    PIP questions

    thanks guys. also i'm totally aware that i need to hurry up. just needed a kick start. we had a travel teacher for society and culture for 3 terms. it was ridiculous. THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE HELP. put it into perspective for me. <3
  2. D

    PIP questions

    bumping again.
  3. D

    PIP questions

    thanks, but could you maybe elaborate a bit? i've done a little researching, but how would i find primary research? like who could i interview or something? sorry our teacher was a bit vague on the details.
  4. D

    PIP questions

    >.> bumping
  5. D

    PIP questions

    Hey, I'm new here so take it easy on me. I'm not sure if these questions have been answered, or if they're relevant to this topic. Firstly, I wanted to do my pip on how games have progressed over the past decade, and how they affect people (physically, emotionally, socially) Secondly, I...
  6. D

    pip ideas

    Hey, I'm new here so take it easy on me. I'm not sure if these questions have been answered, or if they're relevant to this topic. Firstly, I wanted to do my pip on how games have progressed over the past decade, and how they affect people (physically, emotionally, socially) Secondly, I wanted...