ohh great. you're online.
kidding lol.
i have some info for you rgd. the newest on the line ;)
i have managed to use it 23 times, and its only stuffed up once. so i think thats pretty good :).. btw, Evan's organised all you need for the h/m.. you can thank me later :P :P :P.
talk ltr,
ok, have fun there.. i hear from a little blue bird that you have a little tour day coming up ;) next thursday? ill try to make it just to see you :D.. toodles xxo
seriously, thats what i've been wondering for so long.. and i came up with one theory that maybe they want people who don't become too attached or emotionally involved with whoever they are working with.. and thats where i think i differ, like if anyone tells me something wrong thats happened to...
yeh, he's alright.. bit of counselling and companionship is all thats needed. i can tell he absolutely hates the people who run this place, i mean, i would too if i was feeling the way he was. they're just so up themselves in the way they talk and behave around you, its so infuriating.. like...
:uhhuh: its beautiful.. its like a long lost island just fully furnished and with peace and serenity. but you hear the odd plane or two :lol:.. gary is off doing the whole "tourist" thing, its cute.. he should be back soon, he went to see the new HP movie.. he feels uber special that he can see...