Recent content by e8zks

  1. e8zks

    2024 HSC Chat

  2. e8zks

    2024 HSC Chat

    so lonelyyyyyy....
  3. e8zks

    ATAR Prediction

  4. e8zks

    Is trying for a really high Atar really even worth it?

    ok, well until u have a general idea on what degree u want to do, u wont have a general idea on atar u need to achieve
  5. e8zks

    Is trying for a really high Atar really even worth it?

    I have not got my atar so I don't know whether my opinion would matter here or not. Having a high atar is only worth it if the course you want to get into requires it. What degree/course do you want to get into
  6. e8zks

    how in the WORLD do i enrol into this uni??!?!

    @jimmysmith560 u got any thoughts
  7. e8zks

    stop it i dont like it

    stop it i dont like it
  8. e8zks

    how in the WORLD do i enrol into this uni??!?!

    I cant speak for mq uni, but I got 2 early entry offers and all I had to do was accept them, I didn't have to choose the units yet???
  9. e8zks

    dont do it jimmmy

    dont do it jimmmy
  10. e8zks

    BoS meet up

    what does jimmy look like irl
  11. e8zks

    HELPP I got 10 more added marks to my science test

    hsc, high school and all that wont matter to anyone in ten years, it effectively has no value. You could be dux of Knox Grammer school with a 99.95 atar and in 10 years it wont matter
  12. e8zks

    Become a moderator, how did the great @jimmysmith560, hmm? Skilled he must be, wise and trusted...

    Become a moderator, how did the great @jimmysmith560, hmm? Skilled he must be, wise and trusted by many, yes. Earned his place, he has, through dedication and strength of character
  13. e8zks

    2024 HSC Chat

    good luck bro have fun
  14. e8zks

    2024 HSC Chat

  15. e8zks

    2024 HSC Chat

    thursday 👔