I am definitely an advocate for more funding to public schools, but it’s also important to be clear about the details.
The full statement was ‘The NSW Teachers Federation reported that more than half of private schools in New South Wales now receive more combined Government funding (Commonwealth...
You are most likely using the term ‘state’ to mean public, but I think the source of funding is relevant - public schools are funded and operated by the state government. The federal government gives funding to both public and private schools in every state because families at both public and...
NESA published a document when they brought out the new syllabus, explaining the difference between the old & new syllabus (https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/wcm/connect/f2953547-b5a3-4f15-88cc-9db8bca68862/guide-to-the-syllabus-in-biology.pdf?MOD=AJPERES). The old content was retained...
I do think that, as a minimum, a student studying physics should have a textbook covering the syllabus content. I understand that either Pearson or Jacaranda would be suitable. Work through the textbook and ask for help (from your teacher or in this BoS forum) or look up YouTube videos for...
As Carrotsss has advised, the Bachelor degree by itself is insufficient for AHPRA registration. You need the Masters qualification to be registered to practice as an optometrist (ie. see patients).
If you only apply for the Bachelor course, then whether or not you ever get into the Masters...
It’s very quick to derive that x=-b/2a is a stationary point by differentiating f(x) = ax^2 +bx +c and setting f’(x) = 2ax +b equal to zero, so I’m not sure how useful it is to specifically memorise this instead of just the general mechanism of differentiating the equation and setting the first...
Not sure why previous PP resurrected this old thread, but since the thread title caught my attention, if my memory serves me correctly, twins, Richard & Andrew Stone both studied 16 HSC subject units in 1984 and Richard topped with an aggregate of 498 for his best ten units and Andrew came third...
I haven’t studied actuarial studies, but the course description of maths 1025 (which according to the Uni website is compulsory: https://www.mq.edu.au/study/find-a-course/courses/bachelor-of-actuarial-studies#course-structure) includes vectors, complex numbers and more advanced calculus, which...
?Rural students at the USyd School of Rural Health who spend entire 4 years in Dubbo?
USyd and other unis now also have quarantined places for rural students who can only qualify if they have either lived five consecutive years or ten total years in an R3 rural area. This condition precludes a...
Exercises do have value but slave-ishly doing every question is a waste of time. If you can answer the most difficult questions of each exercise (usually at the end of each exercise) and the challenge questions at the end of the chapter (if you are using textbooks which include them), you...
Medicine is excluded from UoN‘s early entry scheme (https://www.newcastle.edu.au/early/early-entry-program-faqs) and RMIT doesn’t have a medical school. I don’t think any university offers early entry to medicine. All the medical schools with undergrad degrees take into account ATARs, UCAT and...