Recent content by ellamay

  1. ellamay

    Do you study for english Creative writing?

    yeees, you can. At least have 3 general stories ready incase one can be better adapted to the question given. You can't 'study' but you can practice writing them and being able to manipulate them, from past hsc questions. Unless you think you can walk in there and dream up an amazing structured...
  2. ellamay

    Crime Question Help

    Thankyou! I'll see how I go :)
  3. ellamay

    Crime Question Help

    I've been doing practice crime questions all weekend and I'm just up to a question where I can't think anymore, from the Independant Trials 2006, Question 17 (d) With reference to a current criminal justice issue, assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the legal system in achieving justice...
  4. ellamay

    Help essay question

    "The power of distinctive voices lies in their communication of strong viewpoints" I think its telling you that voices are powerful because of how they've communicated their viewpoints. I'm pretty sure your on the right track too. As well as that the individual of whom the voice belongs to...
  5. ellamay

    Structuring The Essay?

    if your trying to make a rough essay to adapt it easily to a question just make sure your using key words from the question, every essay is pretty much the same just different topic sentences (which you would always use key words from the question) and highlighting/emphasising the examples that...
  6. ellamay

    Similarities and Differences in Blade Runner and Frankenstein

    hmm, a difference could include how in the novel Frankenstein humans are considered 'human' through their appearance, thats how the creature is rejected. But in Bladerunner the replicants are almost the perfect human form yet their rejected by society because of lack of emotions (Voight Kumpf...
  7. ellamay

    Help bio assignment

    i doubt you'll be able to find an adequate response to what your looking for so try researching on human impacts on mangrove systems itself, and then apply it to the park, your on the right track with pollution etc. DECC | Environmental issues That should help you get started off
  8. ellamay

    Protein synthesis

    Thankyou!!! Heaps of help <3
  9. ellamay

    Protein synthesis

    I'm just a little lost on how to explain translation, where the amino acid forms to make a polypeptide chain? How do i explain it in a way that it makes sense! :(