Recent content by em1604

  1. E

    HSC Timetable 2010

    Does anyone know when German Beginners is?! Please don't tell me it's near French cause. I already have both German and French continuers speaking on the same day ! kill my life !
  2. E

    Help asap with my pip

    Sorry to interfere - with your idea, but i just needed to ask a question about my own pip, so i'm doing my society pip this year and my idea is on chivalry so my idea is: is chivalry still around today and do women still yearn for it? my chapters will be 1) is chivalry still around 2) do...
  3. E

    Pip help.

    So i should have started my pip, and i havent. ahh. i have no idea what i wanna do, like i wanted to do something simple but good. i like the idea of romanticism or love or something but on the other hand, generational issues aswell and gender issues. its all a big mess, so if anyone has...
  4. E

    the PIP...

    I start year 12 next term and i'm starting to think of my society PIP ideas. I know i want to do something related to gender - so right now i'm thinking of something along the lines of Can boys and girls just be friends or something, do any past society students know if this is a good...