Recent content by EpikHigh

  1. EpikHigh

    How tall are you?

    I am 2metres u can buy my sperm sample if u want
  2. EpikHigh

    How tall are you?

  3. EpikHigh

    How tall are you?

    mfw im 160cm +40cm cyka haha
  4. EpikHigh

    UNSW Sem 1 Final Exams Thread

    I'm actually going to miss maths so much after 2019 Q_Q brb changing degrees
  5. EpikHigh

    Steam Summer Sale 2015

    Get CS GO and I'll pwn u all
  6. EpikHigh

    Maths Ext 2 doubts!!!!

    Go for it lad, you can always talk to ur teacher and get their opinion, plus you can always just drop 4u instead of not taking it and potentially end up regretting it!
  7. EpikHigh

    UNSW Sem 1 Final Exams Thread

    CVEN2401 exam tomorrow, shittest course no info on final, anyone done this before and can tell me what its like??
  8. EpikHigh

    WAM requirements to exchange to other universities.

    It feels so gronk I've seen so many exchange students come here, I think they should open up exchange a bit more or change up the criteria a bit, solely based on marks is a bit shite.
  9. EpikHigh

    WAM requirements to exchange to other universities.

    I see a 77 so don't be so negative lol, I'm asking is there anything besides your WAM that counts i.e interview or some sort of coverletter/resumeme
  10. EpikHigh

    WAM requirements to exchange to other universities.

    Is your application for applying to exchange solely based on WAM? my wam is just shy off 75, can you do anything else, is there interviews and stuff?????? I wanna go uc berkeley lmao
  11. EpikHigh

    Is Engineering dead?

    +1 thank u kind words from another faculty, 2 many people talk shit about civil!
  12. EpikHigh

    UNSW Sem 1 Final Exams Thread

    Try 3 for 3 :P
  13. EpikHigh

    UNSW Sem 1 Final Exams Thread

    Yaaaa I'm fucked...
  14. EpikHigh

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. ok gotta start doing some work oiz
  15. EpikHigh

    Rote Learning

    Someone linked this like 2 yrs ago, write some bars n rote learn that