Personally, I found mod 5.5 the hardest. I'm actually on the NESA board of directors in the process of releasing the next chem syllabus. I will sell it to you for $50!! Don't tell anyone!
Everyone knows ur going to UNSW for the ABGs. Give it up buddy boy I'll sell you a ticket to Chongqing where the real ABGs at for only $300. Cheapest flight you'll see, airline is China Southern
Getting early entry is the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. It is the insurmountable mountain that only the cream of the crop can manage to scale. Of course, I managed to get early entry to Harvard and am now currently an admissions officer so if you need any help I am offering my...
Please understand the cauchy-residue theorem before you start financial maths it is absolutely IMPERATIVE you get competent at this basic foundational subject
1. Ravel was impressionist so I don't see your point. Sure Stravinsky was important for neoclassicism too but he's different to Prokofiev. Stravinsky was more explorative and daring, Prokofiev more on the melodramatic side, exploring a wider range of emotions etc. Personal preference is personal...
Well it got the author a nobel prize. Its better if u search it up and read about it but basically it deals with themes of memory and the past, in the genre of magical realism. U could very cleverly tie this as a related text to the crucible which equally uses the past to comment on the present etc.