Recent content by fluffchuck

  1. fluffchuck

    HSC Maths Ext. 1 & 2 Online Tutoring | Combined ~15 years of experience

    Spots still available for both Year 12 Extension 1 & 2, with classes running on Saturday and Sunday. We have been assisting students with their Extension 1 & 2 queries outside of class, in preparation for their first assessment task :)
  2. fluffchuck

    arg diagrams

    It is because the question is looking for -pi/2 <= arg(z - 1 - i) <= pi, the bit that isn't shaded in your diagram represents -pi <= arg(z - 1 - i) <= -pi/2
  3. fluffchuck

    arg diagrams

    Sorry I'm not sure if I'm following - what do you mean by this?
  4. fluffchuck

    finding max and min in complex num locus questions

    Yes! even though these questions are not extremely common, they do appear once in a while - you should definitely prepare for them! After doing enough of these questions, you'll be able to see all the different techniques that can be used. There aren't tooo many techniques, you'll learn them all...
  5. fluffchuck

    arg diagrams

    The reason why the Cambridge solution & the Fort St solution is a bit different is because: - In the Cambridge question, part (b) shifts both the argument and the circle by 2 units to the left, i.e. |z-2|=1 becomes |z|=1, and arg(z) becomes arg(z+2). As a result, the diagram would look exactly...
  6. fluffchuck

    arg diagrams

    The answer is correct here, the angle is = (big angle on diagram) - (small angle on diagram), the big angle on the diagram is pi/3, the small angle on the diagram is pi I take this back, you are correct - the angle is indeed a negative angle, and it should be -[(big angle on diagram) - (small...
  7. fluffchuck

    arg diagrams

    The idea behind your region shading is correct! Just be careful with how you position the lines for the arg locus & the circle for the modulus locus - hint: the arg locus stems from the point (1,1), does this point (1,1) lie inside the circle, or does it lie on the circle?
  8. fluffchuck

    how to get better at inequalities

    I would still spend time on it - I don't think inequalities is a small part of the syllabus. Inequalities appears in Mathematical Induction & as standalone Inequalities proof questions, and can also appear in parts of questions from other topics.
  9. fluffchuck

    how to get better at inequalities

    Intuition comes from: Understanding all of the tricks and techniques Being able to identify which trick & technique to use for a particular question I would be practicing with an assortment of simple inequalities questions, and begin identifying what trick/technique you're using for each...
  10. fluffchuck

    can i get a 98+ atar if i go to a low ranked public school

    It is definitely possible. When I sat my HSC, my school was ranked ~150, and I received an ATAR of 98.70. There were 3 other people who got a higher ATAR than me (all 99.00+), and 2 or 3 other people (I don't completely remember, this was a long time ago!) that received 98.00+. It is important...
  11. fluffchuck

    4u complex num

    This question in particular does appear a few times in past HSC/trial exam papers. I would definitely recommend that you attempt & practice these questions! Reason being: there are many other Extension 2 questions of similar difficulty (if not, even more difficult). Was there a particular step...
  12. fluffchuck

    How do I even?

    I would say that 14a(i) and 14a(ii) are standard questions (in the sense that they have appeared in many past Extension 1 exams). You should have learnt the theory for these questions previously, they are binomial expansions, under the topic of Combinatorics. I would recommend that you go back...
  13. fluffchuck

    BoS Trials Maths and Business Studies 2024

    Good luck to everyone sitting the Maths BoS trials !! I remember sitting this back in 2017 & got absolutely cooked, but was still a great experience overall :)
  14. fluffchuck

    Am I Cooked

    What is your school's rank?