Ok, thanks. Is there any reason then why getting a real analysis textbook wouldn't be a good idea? Do you think it could perhaps complement the subject better for the proofs and knowledge, than Stewart's calculus (as you suggested it's more useful for computational exercise)?
I was curious if for the math courses at ANU (particularly first year, Math 1115), do you use the textbook a lot, or a set of lecturer's notes etc?
I personally listen to music when studying on quite a consistent basis. I find that it helps focus and concentrate my attention. However, the genre of music I listen to is movie scores/soundtracks, which are often orchestral or instrumental which I thoroughly enjoy, whilst the lack of words...
This is some of my personal experience with your questions (you may have a different one).
2. Generally having a clearly defined goal, can be a way to motivate yourself. I believe this is more effective if you're goal is not necessarily to achieve X ATAR, but perhaps X ATAR for Y course (as the...
I was wondering if they are still planning on updating the calculus based NSW HSC courses (mathematics, MX1, MX2)? If so, when is the planned update to occur, and when will it be implemented?
I've been reading through the BOS Trials solutions 2014, and I don't understand one part of it for Q 11 e, why can't the circle be below the x-axis? Wouldn't that still satisfy the locus x^2 + y^2 = 1?
Oh, ok. I think I understand now where what I thought was wrong, I was going define f(x) = g(-x), and then graph f(x+2) which would be sliding the graph f(x) to the left 2 units, but, that isn't g(-x+2) as f(x +2) = g(-(x+2)) = g(-x-2). I would have had to go f(x - 2) = g(-x +2) (as you said)...
I was curious for Q 16 a) i), why does sin(theta)=sin(-alpha) mean that theta = - alpha? Why don't you have to consider it in terms of general solutions, with theta = 2*pi*k - (-1)^k alpha, and then some how work it out from there?
If -pi < x <= pi, -pi < y < pi, and sin(x) = 1/2 and...
I was attempting to graph the function from the 2008 HSC Q 3 A) iii) The way that I tried to tackle it was as follows:
1. Graphed y(-x), which is just a reflection of the graph about the y-axis.
2. Graphed y(-x + 2), which I thought should be the graph in step 1, slides to the left by 2...