lol thread, just to clear things up
dy / dx means differentiating y with respect to x
dz / d(asd) means differntiating z with respect to asd
likewise for integrating, you cannot integrate something that is not respect to the specific
and maybe you need to chuck one of these for the other...
theres one important thing OP
If you hate the subject you will get nowhere. Learn to appreciate it or you will not enjoy it. And when you don't enjoy it, it will be very boring and will prob definitely cause you to drop mx1.
note to number guy: don't get cambridge mx2, its kinda (very) crappy...
wah minh give me that gif LOL
i just sat there for 30 secs starting at it xD
i think cambridge is the shittiest one of them all
a few examples and just the answers at the back.
Rest of the books have full worked solutions.
leading edge one is good :)
im looking for 2 particular texts that may relate to The Queen. If anyone has any suggestions i'd be happy to consider them. (preferably 2 diff text types)
Thank you :p
there is no 'best' book imo. i just used a variety:
cambridge, phoenix, excel, coroneos, the leading edge and then past hsc
i know its a lot, but i've come to realise its better if you use a variety of books.
In year 11 i only used cambridge thats it, and i didn't recieve a good understanding...
schools should be up to harder 3u now, but most people should've tried the 2001-2009 papers for the heck of it. i just death stare at the question 8 :x
hey im a bit confused for 2009 hsc paper
multiple choice question 5
the answer is D
but the measurement is 7.3cm
x100 = 7.3m
the answer is 8m. I think it is because it takes more wire to hold the beam in place? I just thought it was logical but not 100% sure if it is correct.