Recent content by Gardenia

  1. G

    Share your 2009 ATAR here

    97.00- thrilled!
  2. G

    Major Project ?

    Hey guys I need some help: I was thinking of doing: The shroud of turin (as an historical controversy) but I'm afraid that it's too scientific. Most of the info surrounds scientific research on the shroud and different techniques. What do u think? OR different perspectives/portrayals of...
  3. G

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    I'm so gald Obama was elected--- some hope for the future
  4. G

    Ext. 2 English and Ext. History?

    Does anyone do, or is anyone planning to do both or one of these? If so, what are they like?? Is it too difficult to do both?
  5. G

    Tess and a related text

    Hey guys, can anyone suggest a contemporary related text that I can compare to Tess of the D'Urbervilles, with reference to the representation of women? thannnkks!