Recent content by gazzalite751

  1. gazzalite751

    I feel weird wanting to study in the HOLIDAYS...

    Haha, well if you REALLY feel like studying; then start making your revision notes. Remember, you're in term 4 of school, but its term 1 of your hsc course. you'll be hit with midyearlies soon, if not already had a bunch of assessments. you can't laze around and then say you'll do better...
  2. gazzalite751

    yr 11 content still needed for HSC?

    Your year 11 content is your basis for some of your year 12 content - especially when it comes to social sciences. Sometimes you will find that some content you learnt in year 11, can be/will be related back in year 12. Best you know the important parts - best piece of advice; Glance...
  3. gazzalite751

    Scaling (need help on selecting subjects)

    Music probably not so much...biology only if the rest of your course does really well at it. everything else should be fine if you do good.
  4. gazzalite751

    Easy jobs to get?

    Okay, besides all these slandering comments you've been getting. I think it's a pretty normal question that you asked so I don't get why everyone's been blowing you off. But anyway. I worked at Hungry Jacks for about 6 months and that's the only experience I've ever had working back then and...
  5. gazzalite751

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    Eh better than our English Advanced + Extension teachers. EVerybody is expected to have B by the end of year 11 or they'll recommend that you drop to standard+fundies =[. And most of us only just average a C!
  6. gazzalite751

    Kevin Rudd Student Computer Rebate

    From what I hear, I don't think he's actually put it into motion yet, but it's on his agenda list. Most other students I know are talking about it and they're not so sure it's going to happen cause it was just a way for Rudd to gain votes..rofl. Well yeah, from what I know, nothing's been put...
  7. gazzalite751

    Your yr 11 eng AoS

    You're doing Belonging already ?!?! I thought you're not allowed to do it till next year...
  8. gazzalite751

    SC Results Thread

    AND I'LL POST MINE TOO!! English - b6 - 97 Math - b6 - 98 Science - b6 - 100 Aus Geo, Civics and Citizenship - b6 - 100 Aus History, Civics and Citizenship - b5 - 89 (1 mark off man. =( ) Computing Skills - 98 =)
  9. gazzalite751

    Introduce yourself, why not?

    Gary 16 Sefton high ..ermm wat else? i like lasagne... ima retired junior tennis champ for the hornsby region i like tennis(?) obviously.. i want to be a primary/secondary teacher i like almost every genre of music except for heavy metal/santanic/heavy rock i hate jerks that whine that school...
  10. gazzalite751

    anyone else enjoying yr 11 more?

    HAHA Omgosh, yeh =P Lol, you guys actually have hair rules =S ? ------------------------
  11. gazzalite751

    Official Apology Thread

    Re: Leaders push for 'sorry' compensation ...Back to the point: =P In my opinion, the stolen generation should just shut up and live with it. I mean seriously, most of the "stolen generation" is getting old anyway and are going to be part of our seniors age group either now or soon. What are...
  12. gazzalite751

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    WAHHH!!! ON IT?!?! ROFL HAHAHA OMGOSH~~, Man, you need a desk xDD
  13. gazzalite751

    anyone else enjoying yr 11 more?

    Depends on what subjects I'm in. I look forward to some subjects and others I don't. Say bio, when the teacher finishes explaining and leaves us to copy overheads or paraphrase stuff out of textbooks, he lets us plug our earphones in and do our work while we listen to music =). Of course we...
  14. gazzalite751

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    Mind and Morality is a subject =S =|....Omg all these subjects I haven't heard of before T_T... We're getting our assignment/exam schedules tomorrow >.<"
  15. gazzalite751

    NOTEBOOK layout/organisation

    *looks up* HAHAHA. Higlighters. =P Classic xDD and agreeable =]. As for notes organisations in books/loose leaf paper: HEADING (usually the topic/point that we're going to work on) [ black pen/underlined in red] SUBHEADINGS (smaller than the size of the heading but nonetheless, visible as a...