Recent content by handels584

  1. H

    Being late to lectures??

    In general, tutorials and labs should also start at five minutes past the hour and finish by five minutes to the hour. However, there are some notable exceptions. For example, in 2007, the junior Physics labs began on the hour and finished ten minutes to the hour. Also, if your next class is...
  2. H

    Master of Professional Engineering

    I thought that the MPE program was open to a limited number of CSP students. Nevertheless, this web page (for ELEC5402, a unit of study offered as part of the MPE course) seems to reveal a disturbing fact: /ELEC5402/marks The student IDs listed show that in 2009 all but one of the students...
  3. H

    ECMT1010 vs ECOF1010 Business and Economics Statistics A (advanced)

    Entry to ECOF1010 is strictly by invitation only. As of writing, there is nothing on the relevant web pages or in the faculty handbook that specifies the requirements that one has to meet before receiving such an invitation.