Recent content by HavannaCat

  1. H

    Failed Assignmnet and Course advice? Never got any assignment sheet.

    Is there a chance for reassement? if it doesn't work out
  2. H

    Summer Term Fees and HECS

    Thanks, so that means it's slightly more expensive than T1.
  3. H

    Failed Assignmnet and Course advice? Never got any assignment sheet.

    Hi all, I recently failed a course that never had an assignment sheet and a very vague marking criteria. The class was very disorganised where we even had times where the lecturer had nothing to teach and let us go home early on 3 occasions. I was extremely outraged when I found out I failed an...
  4. H

    Summer Term Fees and HECS

    Hi guys, I just saw another thread about this and wanted to make sure, if we are on HECS, the summer fees can be deferred? or do we have to pay upfront now?