how the fk can u guys tell?
i betchya half u tools (who say u got a raw mark of >80) wont get a band6 because chem isnt a test where u can rly self mark
if ur doing acturial my advice is to stay at macq since unsw has their exams tested externally
if ur doing law and actuarial think about what job u are more inclined to (i.e. actury>macq) or go 2 anu (yeah i know its a hole)
~~my 2 cents
yeah well u cheated so u should get zero
and sophie ur a guillible tool, ur teacher marks school essays and tells u that, but the hsc aint like school markers
my teacher is head maker of modB so always knew they were gonna read both (since my second was better focused on the question)
no im saying cad because the area of knowledge for it is huge, that a large number of essay questions could involve the cad
tbh i think its advised we refer to our case study
and macroeconomic policies wont be that significant
environment might be in it tho
happy 40th birthday jeremy!!! hopefully woolworths will now consider u an experienced worker and give u a $2 pay rise!!!
~~~for spaming my thingo lol...
gl for the rest of ur exams tho