Im atheist, allways have been. I take religion education at a catholic school so im somewhat exposed to a religious community. But it doesnt do too much for me and i dont want or need to join a faith. Or im just apathetic to the topic and dont know enough about it to label myself anything.
This somewhat applys to me so id say its true.
Well said, allthough i think they somewhat intertwine in good relationships.
And to each love has its own meaning, like every emotion its something no one can have an exact definition of. Thats what i think anyway, its a hard thing to word right.
My girlfriends a year older than me, it has benefits.
But personaly I like 1 - 2 years difference at a maximum, although i suppose its a tad different as you get older.
[Sorry if i brought this thread back up again, have a habit of not checking post dates..]
Oh no because we're not smart enough to understand the difference of reality and fantasy!! As we all know guns handle exactly the same in real life and in video games, watch out innocent bystanders! I have been posessed by the big bad video game devil! Kill Kill Kill..
Just cutting in to say that i approve of children being 'smacked' to the point it isnt child abuse, as in serious child abuse. Not "baw i didnt get an iphone!" 'abuse'.
After carefully studying the application of weetbix sugar.
I have concluded that applying the sugar after the milk rids the need of sugar re-application....