Recent content by HSCya1234567

  1. H

    2023 HSC chat

    for those who did keats i wanted to write out ode to a nightingale for mod c so bad lol
  2. H

    My journey with English Advanced Paper One

    I thought the last one with memories was weird imo
  3. H


  4. H

    UTS -------> to UNSW

    Can I ask why you are transferring?
  5. H

    aight bro

    aight bro
  6. H

    oh did now i remember i am not an esports person though

    oh did now i remember i am not an esports person though
  7. H

    did I???? i dont even remember LOL

    did I???? i dont even remember LOL
  8. H

    How many past papers per day?

    i mean yesterday i did nothing because i got a terrible trial chem mark and was moping so it varies
  9. H

    How many past papers per day?

    i do like 2 because I have to mark and check out what i got wrong and such;
  10. H

    multiple funcitonal groups

    Yeah that is correct, I personally use this table because it lists everything, but ive maybe seen one questions on it so.
  11. H

    2010 HSC Q

    Ah so I was stuck on this question, basically the formatting is weird, they want aii, which is the tan(A-B) = pi/2 thing from before, and then you use that to simplify the tan2thetatana
  12. H

    2022 HSC Question MX2

    I still need help with this xx I got all nerdy there but please help 🙏
  13. H

    2022 HSC Question MX2

    I present to you this beautiful question from the 2010 hsc called the basel problem. Try it! Very relevant for our exam, since they haven't done an integration question 16 since 2020 I believe. Maths does not really change that much syllabus wise, obvs there is stuff I skip but its maybe 2 or 3...
  14. H

    2022 HSC Question MX2

    idk, It was at the top of the pile, im working forwards for chem backwards for latin since there are only 3 past papers and none for latin x and forwards for english