Mine was good and bad. It wasn't how I imagined 'the first kiss' would be, but that's ok. You can't plan these things, really.
I was a bit drunk, so it's kinda hazy. And it was clumsy (we were walking backwards and tripped on the lip of the karaoke stage of the bar we were in) :P.
That said...
I find it quite shocking how many people seem to have such a dismissive view of bisexuality. I mean, is it really that far-fetched to think that people may be attracted to more than one gender? If you think about how much variety there is in people's sexual activities, their tastes in men/women...
So, I was just talking to my cousin, and we were discussing the degree of pressure that there is for people to be in relationships. She's younger than me, still at school, and she was talking about how the boys in her group who don't have girlfriends are all depressed about it.
Do you think...
I think it should be legal. While I personally feel uncomfortable with it, I think that if someone expresses a persistent and consistent wish to die, and they are a fully competent adult, then I really see no reason for not allowing it.
Great post, Lentern. :)
Interesting that you raise Kinsey, as you're right, his theory was that most people were a little bi (especially women), but it seems that most people are more attracted to one gender.
I'm totally for it. I think it's ridiculous that in this day and age, we still discriminate against people based on their sexuality, discrimination of which not being able to marry is just one example.
I am sick to death of religious people hiding behind their beliefs, and asking for...
So, this has been my first year of uni after taking a gap year last year.
I've had a pretty good year.
How about other people?
What are you studying? Have you liked it so far? Made a good group of friends? Joined any clubs/societies?
Well? I'm curious...
(EDIT: to know what others think :P)
EDIT #2: I should probably put it out there that I'm bi, which is why I started this post. Would be interested in hearing why some people hold the views they do about bisexuality, and maybe if there are other bi people on here.