Recent content by ice-eternity

  1. I

    Beginnging of Year 12

    Hey! The above comments are totally true, just because u've stuffed up one set of exams doesn't mean anything for the rest of the year. All you have to do now over the holidays is look at the assessments that you weren't happy with and see where you went wrong. Especially for english, i don't...
  2. I

    Drop chemistry

    LOL it doesn't matter how 'odd' your subjects can seem to other ppl, do what you love and what ur good at and who cares what others think? You shouldn't keep something just because it makes your subjects seem more 'normal', if you really hate it then just drop it rather than waste time on a...
  3. I

    4 U maths and 4 U english??

    Im doin 4 eng and maths too, but i dunno, right now im doin 14 units which is waaay too much but i hav no idea wat to drop, i love all my subjects. O well. Im so excited for 4U eng right now, so hopefully ill do alright at it, and 4U maths, haha who noes, ill try my best and see how I go :p