Recent content by ides_of_marz

  1. I

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    Re: Year 12 Jerseys That's the spirit. :D
  2. I

    Would u still do English

    Hear, hear! (Sorry, totally pointless post. Just appreciated the irony.) :P
  3. I

    Would u still do English

    Agreed: it amazes me that people who have grown up in this country can't construct a coherent sentence to save their lives. And, no, I wouldn't choose to take English if it weren't compulsory: although I respect it as a subject, I hate the elitism that goes along with it. And an understanding...
  4. I

    Ancient History People

    Year 12 Spartan Soc to the Battle of Leuctra Fall of Roman Republic Caesar
  5. I

    Ancient V Modern

    Agreed. If you're doing Anc, make sure (for Year 12) your historical period ties in with your 'personality' (ie prominent figure within the hist. period) Also, my friends who do Modern say it's a lot of work, but if you're interested, definitely consider it. Ancient - Cities of Vesuvius...
  6. I

    Role of Optimates/Populares

    Hi - idk if I'm too late to help (since you posted this in Oct last year :D) But you could talk about: 1) Cato & the 'ultra-optimates' who blocked all Caesar's negotiations (just before he crossed the Rubicon), ignored the veto of Antony and Cassius (tribunes!!) and overrode the...