honestly i think youre right
its just bias bc when i think back to my trials performance vs my hsc performance (for 2u but nonetheless) i did so much better in hsc that i just feel like trials was harder but it was just bc i took trials less seriously. logically i know that 2u hsc was hard this...
honestly i didnt want to say this bc im gonna get roasted but theyre as hard as the other high ranking schools' trials but the questions in ruse's are a bit more unique imo (not sure abt nsb) and theyre not like testbook hsc questions. a lot of schools actually try to imitate the hsc in trials...
this happened to me a while back so i deleted all of the resources i put up here and i wasnt really sure what to do but im getting rid of it now. never posting my work online again, ill send privately if asked nicely but yeah
i feel like i was made to think that everyone that got above a 99 atar got as close to 100% on every exam as possible. going into y12 that kind of crushed my confidence a bit bc in tops schools especially 100%s are rare and rank 1 in a subject like physics has like a 90% average if that even