Recent content by Interdice

  1. Interdice

    any unsw student willing to lend a helping hand to a year 12 student 🙏

    I don't look anything like my pfp. I'm not overweight or white.
  2. Interdice

    any unsw student willing to lend a helping hand to a year 12 student 🙏

    Nah bruh. Rn I'm a loser who lost 90 percent of his attachments with the humanity, who aint gonna get laid because 1. CS girls are ugly and 2. too antisocial to hang in societies or go to clubs to meet people outside of CS. If you are in year 10 rn and plan on pursuing CS, get a hot Asian waifu...
  3. Interdice

    any unsw student willing to lend a helping hand to a year 12 student 🙏

    You did Cookies are still on this website. I was checking google for something to do with uni, and this website answered my question, and I couldn't help reminding you for the 3rd/4th time that I don't act like a sex obsessed pervert in uni.
  4. Interdice

    any unsw student willing to lend a helping hand to a year 12 student 🙏

    Bruh. Most my classmates say hi to me and remember me. No one bullies me. The girls don't avoid me like the plague. I don't seem to be seen as the class pervert. Even got an Asian girl is following me on instagram. She has a boyfriend. And no I didn't ask, someone else did. I simply jacked off...
  5. Interdice

    Why boys>girls

    Unlikely. I never socialized with my classmates even in primary school. My parents put lots of effort to get me to socialize with other people my age. I also wasn't the brightest in my primary school. Although my primary school classmates were crazy smart. So many state ranks from my primary...
  6. Interdice

    Why boys>girls

    IMO school is just a place for learning content/daycare. Nothing more. Single-sex or Coed doesn't change anything. I have no opinion on this matter.
  7. Interdice

    USYD ATAR cutoff leniency Bruh. UNSW doesn't know what admitted on atar and additoinal criteria means
  8. Interdice

    USYD ATAR cutoff leniency

    Bruh I honestly think UNSW makes up " Admitted where both ATAR and additional criteria were considered ". Because there is no way all 9 people including the 95 guy all where admited on that.
  9. Interdice

    USYD ATAR cutoff leniency

    It's actually really shady if you think about it. UNSW purposely gives offers above the selection rank, then when UAC no longer reports the results of rounds, offers courses to students with lower atars. All for prestige probably. UAC should be forced to reveal information about every single...
  10. Interdice

    USYD ATAR cutoff leniency

    Yeah my thoughts exactly. I don't know what the LSR is meant to represent. For bachelor of science at UNSW, lowest LSR was around 73-74. Lowest jan round 1 was 80. Unlike school of engineering which has FEAS, science at UNSW doesn't have any early entry program apart from gateway. Yet somehow...
  11. Interdice

    USYD ATAR cutoff leniency

    Yo. Lsr is 86.0 Google "uac jan round 1" Lsr here is 90.10 Pls explain. How was 86 lowest lsr?
  12. Interdice

    The Anime Thread

    If you have a problem block me. Also you were the one that started it on this anime thread. And shit I post on the confessions thread. Not any other thread. Seems relevant to me.
  13. Interdice

    The Anime Thread

    clearly you do
  14. Interdice

    The Anime Thread

    Can't deny though. He's based. Like honestly, if we went to the same school, we'd be good friends. And that's something I say sparingly
  15. Interdice

    The Anime Thread

    Bro. CNC is a whole kink. Don't kinkshame.