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  • drama essays are actually so stupid. this is only 5% of my fucking grade,,,,,,,,,,, why tf am i so stressed about how good it is. its fuckingg. 1000 words max. why did i go absolutely batshit insane stressing over it last night. im so sorry brother but it truly is NOT that fucking serious. be so fr.
    that being said i have done jackshit for my chinese oral exam that is around a quarter of my grade and i haven't memorized responses for. and my english extensions practice task is not done yet but due tomorrow. why is it when i lock tf in it's for the wrong goddamn subjects,,,,,,,,,,, ough., im so glad we (probably??) won't have heavily-weighted exams next term,,,,
    entertainment is so nice to me. i somehow almost overstudied for the exam. and it was so easy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if i can do well on my math ext1 & drama performance i won't even be sad that i'm gonna get a shit grade in english and chinese speaking
    noooo ull do fine in eng and Chinese... 😞 😞
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    i did so shit on my english it's a foregone conclusion that it is, at most, a C,,,,,, but chinese hasn't happened yet!!!!!! i have 2 different chinese exams (listening & speaking)!!!!!!! there is hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    this place feels so empty,,,,, it's so quiet,,,,,,,,,, where is everyone. i've seen neither hair nor hide from anyone for the past half an hour. am i going insane
    i'm starting to love putting little stickers & gifs on my stuff like,,,,,, just slapping one onto the end of a post elevates the meaning. now there are two forms of communication to draw meaning from. have at thee *slaps a gold star onto your forehead*
    just finished maths today and it was so good,,,,, managed to get half the exam time to thoroughly double check every question,,,,,, istg if i lose marks bc i didn't manage to catch something when i was checking im gonna change the trajectory of someone's life forever by becoming their traumatic traffic accident
    while i'm still part frantically going over notes & practicing writing, part anxiously procrastinating: i cannot stress enough that the pomodoro technique works a stupid fucking amount of good. genuinely past me was a fucking idiot this shit rules. i have managed multiple hours of study a day that i would've wasted away if i hadn't used a pomodoro timer. it is so fucking worth it.
    less than 24 hours until my first exam in y11!! if tomorrow i get a weird fucking stimulus that i can't adapt my story ideas & newborn characters i made specifically for writing creatives i give up. at least i know for sure that no matter what both my math exams will carry me
    i give up on making a brand new creative piece on the spot. fuck that!!! im gonna semi-procrastinate by making prewritten story & character banks and spending way too much time picking out their names and giving them backstories
    well!!! this is actually working surprisingly well for me (not very surprising actually considering how much i can yap about OCs). i feel like i can actually think of something to write for english. never underestimate the power of self-indulgence, self-projecting and creating a little guy to put into situations!!!!!!!
    who was gonna tell me that you could literally. order your own custom keychains. instead of paying heaps and heaps of money to etsy to ship from fucking america. what the hell,,,,, this feels like cheating. i am not getting study done. ough
    unrelated and absolutely out of nowhere (not rlly but if you're a certain friend of mine yk ofc) but i absolutely adore conlang. like yea make up an entire method of communication. for funsies. i am in awe. just. god,,,,,, languages my beloved <3
    i genuinely cannot fucking study for english,,,, every time i even so think as to try writing a practice piece & reflection for english my brain decides to become good at doing anything other than writing. istg im going to pick up eng ext2 just so that i can safely flunk eng adv bc i cant anymore!!!!!
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    the major work is only 40 marks out of the total 50, there's also a reflection worth 10 so it's a bit safer
    also regarding the major work: you can make it in literally any form that makes sense to use. fiction/non-fiction, print/sound medium, multimedia, prose/poetry, critical responses, etc. and even then the fiction word limit is 6000, podcasts are 15 minutes, mulitmedia is 8 minutes, so it's not *incredibly* long. so yeah, probably preferable to eng adv exams (that i suck at)
    Study to success
    Study to success
    wow. I wish I was good at English cause that major work sounds fun.
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    making study plans is hell. what do you mean that if i want to be efficient with my time by next week i have to study for nearly every subject exam i have coming up for at least half an hour every day. exam block is in less than 2 weeks. help
    i know i procrastinate literally everything but shout out to my past self from yesterday who decided to lock in for 4 hours straight and almost-finish my now 5-days-overdue drama paragraph so that i could finish it today and handwrite it during free period!! thanks for taking one for the team <3
    love how on every device i own my main browser has at the very least 50 tabs open each!!!!!! i hate closing any of those little bitches like what if i need them. in 5 months. what then huh. you will never find me frantically scrolling my history to find it. bc it is open!!!! somewhere. i just have to press ctrl + shift until i find it. 50 times.
    FOUND A GOOD EXTENSION (for both chrome & firefox) THAT BLOCKS WEBSITES,,,,,,, ough im gonna be SO productive next week. im gonna learn SO much. no more gazing longingly at my school laptop and going "it is what it is" i'm gonna CONTRIBUTE to my STUDYING and get a 90+ ATAR!!!!!! (<- lying little liar who will probably never use it)
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