Usually the charts, but now whatever we play on our computer in the senior study, such as My Chemical Romance, The Used, Dispatch.
Favourite TV Shows
Doctor Who (as you can tell by my sig, avatar and blog). Loads more, which are listed on my blog.
Favourite Movies
Anything with Christopher Eccleston or David Tennant. My fave movie is either Practical Magic or The Lion King.
Favourite Books
I used to read any fantasy I could get my hands on, but I started reading Mills & Boon, and lost interest in most books unless they're part of a series I have been reading, such as Wicca or Doctor novels (both old and new).
Favourite Quote
"Before I go, I just want to tell you- you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And you know what? So was I." Doctor Who.
"You spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're gonna get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible- that maybe you survive."- The Doctor's opinion on the HSC.
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