Recent content by jmakowiak

  1. jmakowiak

    What's your sexuality.

    No, it's post-modern sexuality. Nothing to do with porno :P
  2. jmakowiak

    Jensen ackles

    Jensen ackles
  3. jmakowiak

    New Moon is GAY

    New Moon is GAY
  4. jmakowiak

    Taylor has crabs

    Taylor has crabs
  5. jmakowiak

    What's your sexuality.

    Well you learn something new every day don't you.
  6. jmakowiak

    Alex i want you alabama hot pocket style

    Alex i want you alabama hot pocket style
  7. jmakowiak

    What's your sexuality.

    Nawwws. Now I feel sympathy for stalin :love:
  8. jmakowiak

    Does God exist?

    *atheism. Spelling? Flawed much? :D Don't insult him just cause he has a tiny brain. ;)
  9. jmakowiak


    Alright, who let the Dominatrix post in this thread? :D
  10. jmakowiak

    hey yeah, so that would make your bday on the... 3rd?

    hey yeah, so that would make your bday on the... 3rd?
  11. jmakowiak

    I have my Journal-to-be. Now what?

    I share the same problem - right now, i've only had three or four lessons, and am dumbfounded as to what i'm supposed to put in this journal of mine. It would seem we are in the same boat. I'm thinking maybe just research on the form you've chosen (in my case, short fiction) plus some...
  12. jmakowiak


    Cause :love: turns into :shouting: Anyways, as for foreplay, always crucial, anything goes, nothing too weird though, otherwise you've broken foreplay and must continue prematurely to the fucking stage, which can be unfun. Make it last.
  13. jmakowiak

    The best movie lines

    prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law!
  14. jmakowiak

    Fiji - dangerzone?

    Will the military coup that took place in Fiji recently have any impact on my schoolies experience? If I was to compare it to when I went there on holidays four years ago, how different, exactly, would it be? Oh, and I know i'm not going till the end of next year, but in saying that I do have...
  15. jmakowiak

    Cabramatta 1980s VS Bankstown/Lakemba etc 1990s-2000

    It's a great place to walk around. Grab some Kentucky Fried, buy several cases of wine at lkow prices, then buy a gun from the local gun shop - all on the one strip! And yeah - with the odd exception of a few of my friends, it is, in fact, dreg headquarters.