For society and Culture PIP, I have chosen to study on the subject of Fandoms.
Would any of you be so kind as to fill in this survey: don't worry it has only 10 questions so it's not very long.
I appreciate it in advance
Edit: Oh man sorry didn't realise...
Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely look into some sort of TAFE or job relating to film.
I just wish my dad wasn't focing this on me, especially since I'm dedicated to making sure I make up for it all.
But then again he demands "no failure"
Why do dissaproving/unsupportive dads exist...
Yeah my dad's a saint (he also wants no failure this year. Yeah I hate him.) -_- and so is my school.
And thanks for the suggestions. I'll keep them in mind.
The Seventh Seal (1957) - Directed by Ingmar Bergman
That's a broad question. Plenty of actors have been in multiple films that were nominated for Best Picture. Narrowing down one would be hard.
Haven't seen it, so I don't know
*Christof represented Jesus as an "off-Christ" ("Christ-off") or...
To put it straight, my Dad is forcing me to create a backup plan for myself in case I fail the HSC.
This started after he got a letter from the school saying I have to resit my half-yearly Maths exam because I didn't get a passing mark.
Even though I'm determined to make sure I don't fail...