Recent content by justletmespeak123

  1. J

    Is this allowed?

    People do this cause to unlock and download documents on studuco you have to upload documents to the website. It gives you a 7 days access to download any amount documents per document uploaded
  2. J

    what is considered the area value when we consider the magnetic flux of a straight conductor?

    I think itd too conplex, like it has something to do with maxwell equations. Just remember thst moving straight conductor, the electrons go to one side, causing an emf. This is known as motional emf
  3. J

    bf tried to escape the cage

    you like the taste of his nut though?
  4. J

    bf tried to escape the cage

    suck his cock
  5. J

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    some fucking stupid Vietnamese small eyes hacked my bos acc
  6. J

    How do rankings of schools affect your HSC mark?

    mate ur actually tarded... its easier to get a state rank/1st in course in a non selective since u don't have to deal with the pressures of a competitive cohort, therefore you will defintely keep your 100 external mark. Whereas in a selective school like james rues, chances are you could be...
  7. J

    How to study quicker?

    u can only study so much faster. it's all based on IQ. if you have low iq, you take longer to absorb concepts
  8. J

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    who here goes to girra? can anyone report to me on how just how lgbtqiamxyz+ the school is?
  9. J

    Could I enter this course with my ATAR?

    likely (provided you have adjustment points in extension math), also check hsc plus calculator to see if u qualify for any adjustment points based on ur hsc performance in specific subjects (you can have a maximum of 5)... but based on the subjects u do (standard 2 math) its extremely hard to get in
  10. J

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    shady... these two people probably cheated. Sydney Grammar School defintely cheats in the HSC
  11. J

    Girraween High vs Penrith High

    i mean theres this pooftah who went to girra (no band 6s from him... of course lmfao) and probably many more like him, not surprising
  12. J

    English Syllabus Change from 2027

    yeah, changes to english aren't a good thing. The only good thing would be if they made this subject optional, similar to how it is in queensland and elsewhere
  13. J

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    oof the uac atar calculator over estimated ur atar based on ur hsc marks
  14. J

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    with results check they have to get a human to check the paper, they could easily automate the process of raw marks report and returning our paper